set dialogReply to display dialog "" buttons {"Google -", "Cancel"} default button 1
set _URL to ""
if button returned of dialogReply is "Google -" then
open location _URL
end if
Hadn’t thought of doing it that way. However, I know I’ll end up with at least two different links, potentially more, so the button approach might not be the best. Maybe the dialog box wouldn’t be the best way either? I just want a page with the links in it to pop up when the user clicks a button. The dialog box was the only way I knew of to do it in Applescript though. Open to ideas…
you can use “choose from list”, to achieve what your after, give the below a shot.
set _URL1 to "" -- add as many URL'S as you wish
set _URL2 to ""
set _URL3 to "3"
set _URL4 to "4"
choose from list {"Google -", "", "3", "4"} with prompt "Select Link" default items {"Google -"} OK button name "Ok" cancel button name "Cancel"
set the _linktoopen to result as text
if the _linktoopen is "Google -" then
open location _URL1
else if the _linktoopen is "" then
open location _URL2
else if the _linktoopen is "3" then
open location _URL3
else if the _linktoopen is "4" then
open location _URL4
end if