Code treats correct entry as incorrect - Why?

The following is a part of a script which asks the user to input a number then to input another number.
The second number must be twice the value of the first.

This works fine until the second number is more than 9 (i.e. 2 numerals 1 & 1 for 11 etc)

Can anyone explain?

Thanks in advance

[code]tell application “Finder”
display dialog “Enter No. of Accom Codes” default answer “” buttons {“OK”} default button 1
set accomCode to the text returned of the result
set checkIt to false
repeat while checkIt is false
display dialog “Enter Total Rows of Prices” default answer “” & accomCode * 2 & “” buttons {“OK”} default button 1
set totRows to the text returned of the result

	-- check totRows is 2* accomCode
	if totRows < accomCode * 2 then
		display dialog "Total Rows of Prices must be

at least 2 times the Accom Code!
(in a few exceptions, e.g. twin centres and island
hopping, the pagination will show total rows = to
No. of Accom codes. If this is the case please
enter 2x accom code in total rows!)" buttons {“Cancel”, “OK”} default button 2
if totRows ≥ accomCode * 2 then
set checkIt to true
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell[/code]


the problem is, your do your math with strings, not with numbers
This should solve the problem

set accomCode to the text returned of the result as integer
set totRows to the text returned of the result as integer

Many, many thanks Stefan!

it’s simple when you know how!!
