coercing POSIX to macintosh pathname

Hi Folks-

I’ve been trying to coerce a POSIX path to a macintosh pathname, unsuccessfully. If it matters, this will eventually run on a shared server

set oldFolder to do shell script "find /ArchiveX/#" & oldTens & ",000-" & oldTens & ",999 -maxdepth 1 -name " & (oldNum as Unicode text) & "*"
set fullpath to oldFolder & "/ Final File"    --returns "/ArchiveX/#150,000-150,999/150000_PlanSponsor_AD/ Final File"

--missing coercion

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
	open inddJOB
end tell

the usual tricks are failing me…



It’s no trick, it’s a feature

set oldFolder to do shell script "find /ArchiveX/#" & oldTens & ",000-" & oldTens & ",999 -maxdepth 1 -name " & (oldNum as Unicode text) & "*"
set fullpath to oldFolder & "/ Final File" --returns "/ArchiveX/#150,000-150,999/150000_PlanSponsor_AD/ Final File"

set inddFOB to POSIX file fullpath as alias

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"
	open inddJOB
end tell

yes, features. sometimes it feels like i’m looking for the right incantation! :slight_smile:

not surprisingly, Stefan, your coercion worked.

thank you!


For reference: Aliases and Files