collect similar names

Hi, I need some help to finish the routine below, which intent is to collect documents with similar names in a main folder. (like: Ubuntu auf Mac - Anleitung_files, Ubuntu auf Mac - Anleitung_htm, Ubuntu 10.04 virtualbox shared folder_files, Ubuntu 10.04 virtualbox shared folder_htm, ect)
feel free to suggest another approach too. thanks.

-on sort_names(subfolder)
tell application "Finder"
	set subfolder to (folder of front window) --for debugging purposes
	set container_of to (subfolder as alias)
	set subfiles to document files of container_of
end tell

--find similar file names and create their folders
set folder_ls to {}
repeat with i in subfiles --get contents of subfolder x
	set the_nm to (get name of (info for i as alias))
	set find_nm to my gt_nm(the_nm)
	if (count words in find_nm) > 1 then
		set find_tag to {first word of find_nm, middle word of find_nm, last word of find_nm}
		set find_tag to first word of find_nm
	end if
	--choose the longest word of a name (its a bit arbitrary, I know- but the results aren't bad at all)
       --another possibility could be to search 3 times (first, middle, last word) but the processing it becomes too long.
	set gr_of to {}
	repeat with i in find_tag
		if gr_of is {} then
			set gr_of to (i as text)
			if (length of i as text) > length of gr_of then set gr_of to i
		end if
	end repeat
	set the_sc to {}
	if length of gr_of > 3 then
		copy paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & (quoted form of POSIX path of container_of) & space & "-iname " & gr_of & "*") to end of the_sc
	end if
	display dialog paragraph 1 of (the_sc as list) -->why 0?
	if (count paragraphs of the_sc) ≠ 0 and (count paragraphs of the_sc) > 3 then
		set find_tag to gr_of
			tell application "Finder" to make new folder at container_of with properties {name:find_tag, label index:3}
		end try
		copy find_tag to end of folder_ls
	end if
end repeat

repeat with i in folder_ls
	set tag_folder to (i as alias)
	copy paragraphs of (do shell script "find " & (quoted form of POSIX path of (container_of as alias)) & space & "-iname " & find_tag & "*") to the_sc
	set all_similar to my correct_pt(the_sc)
	tell application "Finder" to repeat with a in all_similar
			move (a as alias) to tag_folder
		end try
	end repeat
end repeat
--end sort_names

on gt_nm(the_nm)
	set res to the_nm
	set the_c to 0
	--cut the extension, remove hyphens
	set del to {".", ".", "_", "|"}
	repeat with i in del
		set the_c to the_c + 1
		if i is in res then
			set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
			set AppleScript's text item delimiters to i
			if the_c is 1 then
				copy first text item of (get text items of the_nm) to res
				set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
				set res to "" & res
				set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {}
			end if
			set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		end if
	end repeat
	return (res as text)
end gt_nm

on correct_pt(the_sc)
	repeat with i in the_sc
		set thisText to i
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "//"
		set thisText to thisText's text items
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
		set thisText to "" & thisText
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {}
	end repeat
	return thisText
end correct_pt