Color code


Is is possible to use color code in applescript, like in linkinus on spotify output?

and how is it done?

Not clear to me what you want to do, but I use this script (and the magnifying glass icon on the color picker window) to match colors:

-- I find this script endlessly useful in preparing both the articles (HTML), and forum entries (BBCode).
-- set the initial shade in the palette to light grey
set C10 to choose color default color {50000, 50000, 50000}
set Val16 to ""
repeat with C in C10
	if contents of C = 0 then
		set Val16 to Val16 & "00"
		set Val16 to Val16 & |10->16|(C) -- as 8-bit colors
	end if
end repeat

set B to button returned of (display dialog "The color values for the color chosen:" & return & return & Val16 default button 1 buttons {"BB to Clip", "Num to Clip", "HTML to Clip"})
if B = "BB to Clip" then
	set the clipboard to "[color=#" & Val16 & "]"
else if B = "Num to Clip" then
	set the clipboard to Val16
	set the clipboard to "<font color=\"#" & Val16 & "\">"
end if

on |10->16|(n10)
	set n10 to n10 div 256 -- to get 8-bit
	if n10 is less than 0 then set n10 to -n10
	set Ch16 to "0123456789ABCDEF"
	set Txt16 to ""
	set N to n10
	set Dgt16 to 1
		if N is 0 then exit repeat
		set nx to N div Dgt16
		set mx to nx mod 16
		set Txt16 to (character (mx + 1) of Ch16) & Txt16
		set N to N - (mx * Dgt16)
		set Dgt16 to (Dgt16 * 16)
	end repeat
	if length of Txt16 = 1 then set Txt16 to "0" & Txt16
	return Txt16
end |10->16|

Try looking at the Formatting panel of the Preferences of Script Editor. If that’s not what you want but like wrting a color code in the script so taht the text becomes violet from then on, forget it.
Otherwise there are few fans of linkinus. Although the speakers in my kitchen color the spotify output somehow.

Please do elaborate a little bit on what you mean by use color code.

Applescript can be copied into a text edit document and exported as html.

You can use color codes like in html, by specifying color tags in your text, if you want to output something with colors in it for pasting into something different.

Here is the code

The thing i what is to color “nP” like this : nP


Found out how it works:

set theString to "/colorme n#redP  #white" & theArtist & " - [ Track: " & theTrack & "] - [Album: " & theAlbum & "] Spotify URL: [url=]"[/url] & spotify_id

-- (C) 2011 agreeabledragon <>

on linkinuscmd(cmd)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	set spotify_active to false
	set theString to "Spotify is not running right now!"
	tell application "Finder"
		if (get name of every process) contains "Spotify" then set spotify_active to true
	end tell
	if spotify_active then
		set got_track to false
		tell application "Spotify"
			if player state is playing then
				set theTrack to name of the current track
				set theArtist to artist of the current track
				set theAlbum to album of the current track
				set isStarred to starred of the current track
				set spotify_id to id of the current track
				set got_track to true
			end if
		end tell
		set spotify_id to replace_text(spotify_id, "spotify:track:", "")
		set theString to "Spotify is not running right now!"
		if got_track then
			set fav to ""
			if isStarred then
				set fav to "one of my favorite tracks, "
			end if
			set theString to "nP: " & fav & "\"" & theArtist & "\"" & " " & theTrack & " [Album: " & theAlbum & "] Spotify URL: [url=]"[/url] & spotify_id
		end if
	end if
	return theString
end linkinuscmd

on replace_text(io, search, replace)
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search
	set the item_list to every text item of io
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replace
	set io to the item_list as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
	return io
end replace_text


Using Adam’s script is great for setting the background color and such on html documents that are just too big to be converted by the readability bookmarklet.

I use this, when I feel my eyes have been strained enough by the white:

tell application "Safari"
	tell its document 1
		do JavaScript " = \"#FFCC66\";"
	end tell
end tell

This one changes the font type and size to something more pleasant.

tell application "Safari"
	tell its document 1
		do JavaScript "var i = \"\";
    var paragraphs = \"\";
    paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName(\"p\");
    for(i=0; i<paragraphs.length; i++)
    paragraphs[i].style.fontFamily = \"Baskerville\";
    paragraphs[i].style.fontSize = '1.2em';
	end tell
end tell