Combine images into PDF using Acrobat X

A novice, I am trying to write a handler combining image files into one PDF. The handler needs three inputs:

  1. the sorted list of the image files
  2. the folder where to save the output PDF
  3. the file name of the output PDF

I have tried four different approaches scripting:

  1. the GUI of “Preview”
  2. a UNIX application
    3) Adobe Acrobat Pro X
  3. Automator

In order to stay focused, I discuss each approach in a different post.

Looking at its dictionary, it seems that the main way to script Acrobat X is to use the command “Execute” on “Menu” and “Menu Item” objects. However, I need to access "File/Create/Combine files into a single PDF. ", which is not a menu item but a sub-menu. I don’t see any “Sub-Menu” class in the dictionary. Is there a way to access that command directly or must one use GUI scripting? Even in that case, UI Browser does not show all the buttons for the “Combine files” windows, preventing me from populating it with any files.

My questions are:

  • am I missing a whole dimension of Acrobat scripting ?
  • is there an inexpensive and easy to script program that I could use to combine PDFs ?

Thanks in advance. W.

Yes. See the insert pages command.