Combo Box Item Registry

I’m making a program that checks a website every so often to see if it has changed. All is going well except I need a way to make a combo box that ‘rememebers’ the last few URLs that one has typed in. Help would be greatly appreciated.

Keep in a file a list of five URL’s. then update this file and use this file for your combo box. Here some script parts to know what i mean.

set fd to open for access file ((path to preferences) & "com.yourcompany.yourprogram.plist" as string)
set theList to read fd as list
close access fd

delete every combo box item of combo box "combo" of window "main"
repeat with x in theList
	make new combo box item at end of combo box items of combo box "combo" of window "main" with data x
end repeat 

when new url is opened delete last item and add new item and save it (made an handler for example)

on newURL(newURL, oldList)
	if (count oldList) > 4 then
		set numberOfItems to 4
		set numberOfItems to count oldList
	end if
	set newList to {}
	set end of newList to newURL
	repeat with x from 1 to numberOfItems
		set end of newList to item x of oldList
	end repeat
	return newList
end newURL

on saveURLList(theList)
	set fd to open for access file ((path to preferences) & "com.yourcompany.yourprogram.plist" as string) with write permissions
	set eof fd to 0
	write theList to fd as list
	close access fd
end saveURLList