Comment Poster, unable to get list from text file

I realized that I couldn’t run the work flow saved from the desktop, i needed to save it as an application.

I have an automator script that goes:

  1. Ask for text
  2. Run Applescript
  3. not there yet
  4. etc
    When I get to the actionscript:
on run {input, parameters}
	set com to (input as text)
	set thecomment to ""
	tell application "Finder" to set workingDir to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
	set theFile to workingDir & "hashtag.txt"
	set hashtaglist to paragraphs of (read file theFile)
	--choose from list hashtaglist with prompt "Please select #hashtag" OK button name "Select" with multiple selections allowed
	--	set choice to result as text
	--	if choice = "false" then
	--		return
	--	end if
	--	set d to text item delimiters
	--	set text item delimiters to "#"
	--	set choice to choice's text items
	--	set text item delimiters to " #"
	--	tell choice to set choice to item 1 & ({""} & rest)
	--	set text item delimiters to d
	--	set thecomment to com & return & return & choice
	return thecomment
end run

It craps out on me at the set hashtaglist to paragraphs of (read file theFile). When I run the script in the ActionScript editor it works. Providing I have a com variable. How can I open a file in automator inside of an action script and create a list from it. I assumed it would be the same actionscript in both applications, but it is proving not to be so.