common classes and commands

I opened one of the applications that appear when selecting CTR+Shtift+O, and I got a list of “Common Classes and commands”. I am not sure how to use them, any suggestions?

close‚v : Close an object.
close reference : the object for the command
[saving ask/no/yes] : Specifies whether changes should be saved before closing.
[saving in alias] : The file in which to save the object.

count‚v : Return the number of elements of a particular class within an object.
count reference : the object for the command
[each type class] : The class of objects to be counted.
→ integer

delete‚v : Delete an object.
delete reference : the object for the command
duplicate‚v : Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
duplicate reference : the object for the command
to location reference : The location for the new object(s).
[with properties record] : Properties to be set in the new duplicated object(s).

exists‚v : Verify if an object exists.
exists reference : the object for the command
→ boolean

get‚v : Get the data for an object.
get reference : the object for the command
→ anything

There are some commands listed in the AppleScript Language Guide: Command Definitions

oh sweet. this helps a lot how to use commands and what they mean. thanks much :slight_smile: