Comparing Images w/in Folders

Looking to do some relatively simple things (I think):

I have to send images to a color correction place. But inevitably, I receive images after I have already sent those images out.

I will have a folder of images already sent, and a second folder that will contain both the old images, as well as the new images.

I would like to compare the images in the new folder with those from the old folder. If the file name already exists in the old folder, then delete those from the new folder (leaving only images that have been added SINCE I sent the old ones to the color place).

I really appreciate any help you can give.

Browser: Safari 125.9
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.3.9)

Try something like:

set oldFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose old folder:"
set newFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose new folder:"
tell application "Finder" to delete (newFolder's files whose name is in (get name of oldFolder's files))

That was pretty easy…thanks a lot!