Comparing (long) list of items to extract the differences

Hi all,

I have to list which each contain a list of words with how many times that word is present in a text file. Each list is quite long, > 3000 items.

Basically (in a simplified format) I have:

ListA ListB

Bill: 4 Bill: 4
Coen: 2 Coen:1
Mark: 1 Mark: 3
Steve:4 Stefan: 2
Tom: 3 Tom: 3

I am trying to get a “differential” list. Which it should remove things which are “equal” and only leave the differences, or unique items (of each list). Something like this:


Coen: 1
Mark: -2
Stefan: 2
Steve: 4

I wrote a complicated (and slow script), which I am attaching below, you don’t have to read it. Of one loops inside an other loop.
Basically, the scripts:

  1. loads the to lists
  2. if there are item in List A with exactly the same word and the same count than in ListB, then it delete this item from both lists (with the aim of reducing the list size)
  3. if item in ListA is present in list b but different “counts”, then ir remove from LikstA and update the count in ListB to the difference of the counts.
  4. Anything left in ListA, is unique and it is copied in ListB.
  5. ListB is now the difference on ListA versus ListB.

I wonder if you have a faster way to solve my problem.
Thanks in advances (and sorry for the long post).


property p_the_path : missing value
property p_newFileName : missing value

set theSourceList to (choose file with prompt "Select a file to import the List1:")
open for access theSourceList
set fileContents to (read theSourceList)
close access theSourceList
set theList1 to every paragraph of fileContents

set theSourceList2 to (choose file with prompt "Select a file to import the List2:")
open for access theSourceList2
set fileContents2 to (read theSourceList2)
close access theSourceList2
set theList2 to every paragraph of fileContents2

# let's prepare the name for saving the DeltaList into a file 
tell (info for theSourceList) to set {Nm, Ex} to {name, name extension}
set OnlyName to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex in Nm) - 1) of Nm
-- display dialog (Nm as text) & "_._" & (Ex as text)

tell (info for theSourceList2) to set {Nm2, Ex2} to {name, name extension}
set OnlyName2 to text 1 thru ((get offset of "." & Ex2 in Nm2) - 1) of Nm2
-- display dialog (Nm2 as text) & "_._" & (Ex2 as text)
set newFileName to Nm & "_" & Nm2
set p_newFileName to newFileName
set deltaList to {}
set the_totalCountOfList1 to 0
set the_totalCountOfList2 to 0
repeat with a from length of theList1 to 1 by -1 -- removing partial duplicate
	set theCurrentListItem to item a of theList1
	-- Process the current list item
	-- display dialog theCurrentListItem & " is item " & a & " in the list."
	set the_offset to offset of " " in theCurrentListItem -- we look for the " " (space) char in each line 
	set the_Word to text 1 thru the_offset of theCurrentListItem
	set the_Count to text (the_offset + 1) thru -1 of theCurrentListItem
	set the_totalCountOfList1 to the_totalCountOfList1 + the_Count -- we are counting the total number of words
	set lenghtOfList2 to length of theList2
	repeat with z from lenghtOfList2 to 1 by -1
		set theCurrentListItem2 to item z of theList2
		if theCurrentListItem2 starts with the_Word then
			-- display dialog theCurrentListItem2 & " is into List2!"
			set the_offset2 to offset of " " in theCurrentListItem2 -- we look for the " " (space) char in each line. 
			set the_Count2 to text (the_offset2 + 1) thru -1 of theCurrentListItem2
			set the_totalCountOfList2 to the_totalCountOfList2 + the_Count2 -- we are counting the total number of words
			set DeltaCount to (the_Count as integer) - (the_Count2 as integer)
			if DeltaCount < 0 then
				set DeltaCount to -DeltaCount -- we dont want negative values
				set item z of theList2 to the_Word & DeltaCount
				set theList1 to remove_item_from_list(theList1, a)
				exit repeat -- it quits !!!
			end if
			if DeltaCount = 0 then
				set theList2 to remove_item_from_list(theList2, z)
				set theList1 to remove_item_from_list(theList1, a)
				exit repeat
			end if
			if DeltaCount > 0 then
				set item z of theList2 to the_Word & DeltaCount
				set theList1 to remove_item_from_list(theList1, a)
				exit repeat
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
end repeat

set deltaList to theList1 & theList2

# we need to save de DeltaFile
set the_path to (":Users:ldicroce:Dropbox (CRG):Programming:Counting Words:Text files:" & p_newFileName)
set p_the_path to the_path
set deltaList to Export_list(deltaList, (length of deltaList))
display dialog the_totalCountOfList1 as string -- this is the total number of words of List1
display dialog the_totalCountOfList2 as string -- this is the total number of words of List2

on Export_list(the_list, NumItems)
	-- set myExportedList to open for access (choose file name) with write permission
	set myExportedList to open for access file p_the_path with write permission
	repeat with itemNum from 1 to NumItems
		write ((item itemNum of the_list as string) & return) to myExportedList -- MAYBE I SHOULD INCLUDE "write the_text to file_ref as «class utf8» "
	end repeat
	close access myExportedList
end Export_list

on remove_item_from_list(the_list, index_to_remove)
	if index_to_remove = 1 then
		set new_list to rest of the_list
	else if index_to_remove = length of the_list then
		set new_list to (items 1 thru -2 of the_list)
		set new_list to (items 1 thru (index_to_remove - 1) of the_list) & (items (index_to_remove + 1) thru -1 of the_list)
	end if
	return new_list
end remove_item_from_list

Well you could eliminate the nested loop with a single loop. You have a very strict format without allowing names containing a newline and semicolon right? Then you could use text delimiters to find the value rather than checking out each line:

set theTable to "Bill: 4
Coen: 2
Mark: 1
Steve: 4
Tom: 3"

getValueFromTable("Bill", theTable) --result: "4"
getValueFromTable("Coen", theTable) --result: "2"
getValueFromTable("Mark", theTable) --result: "1"
getValueFromTable("Steve", theTable) --result: "4"
getValueFromTable("Tom", theTable) --result: "3"
getValueFromTable("co", theTable) --result: missing value

on getValueFromTable(theName, theTable)
	set theTable to linefeed & theTable
	set theName to linefeed & theName & ":"
	tell AppleScript
		set oldTIDs to text item delimiters
		set text item delimiters to theName
		set TIs to text items of theTable
		set text item delimiters to oldTIDs
	end tell
	if (count of TIs) is 1 then
		-- name is not in table return empty value 
		return missing value
	else if (count of TIs) > 2 then
		-- name is not unique in table, return value that indicates that there is something wrong
		return false
	end if
	return word 1 of item 2 of TIs
end getValueFromTable

If I have understood correctly what you mean, it is brilliant!
I will read it later today with more calm.

The use of linefeed command is a bit unclear to me, but this is do to my ignorance. I will read more on this.

Thanks a lot! I will let you know if it works.