Connect to FTP and Server, copy from one folder to another

property NameList : {"Server1", "Server2", "Server3"}
property ServerList : {"", "[url=][/url]", "[url=][/url]"} --ftp server
--property pathList : {/pub/gif/", "/pub/gif/", "/pub/png/"}
property usernameList : {"¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢"} --server_username
property passwordList : {"¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢"} --server_password

--server list

property FileServerList : {"FileServer1", "FileServer2", "FileServer3"} --Fileserver
property VolumeList : {"Volume1", "Volume2", "Volume3"}
property unList : {"¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢"} --Fileserver_username
property pwList : {"¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢", "¢¢¢¢¢"} --Fileserver_password

set tempFolder to POSIX path of ((path to temporary items as Unicode text) & "curl_temp_folder:")
   do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of tempFolder
end try
do shell script "mkdir " & quoted form of tempFolder

set chosenServer to (choose from list NameList with prompt "choose one or multiple servers" with multiple selections allowed)
if chosenServer is false then return

repeat with i from 1 to count chosenServer
   repeat with j from 1 to count NameList
       if item i of chosenServer is item j of NameList then exit repeat
   end repeat
   set ftpserver to item j of ServerList
   --set ftppath to item j of pathList
   --allow user to select which path they want to connect to
   set ftppath to text returned of (display dialog "Enter path of FTP-Server (slash separated):" default answer "/")
   if ftppath does not end with "/" then set ftppath to ftppath & "/"
   set server_username to item j of usernameList
   set server_password to item j of passwordList
   if ftppath does not end with "/" then set ftppath to ftppath & "/"
   set servername to ftpserver & ftppath
   set theFiles to paragraphs of (do shell script "curl -l " & servername & " -u " & server_username & ":" & server_password)
   set DLfiles to choose from list theFiles with prompt "choose one or multiple files to download:" with multiple selections allowed
   --set FileServers to choose URL showing File servers
   --set theServer to (mount volume FileServers) as alias
   --this section allows you to connect to a server directly
   set chosenFileServer to (choose from list FileServerList with prompt "choose a Fileserver")
   if chosenFileServer is false then return
   repeat with i from 1 to count FileServerList
       if item 1 of chosenFileServer is item i of FileServerList then exit repeat
   end repeat
   set cmd to "afp://" & item i of FileServerList & "" & "/" & item i of VolumeList
   --set cmd to "afp://" & item i of unList & ":" & item i of pwList & "@" & item i of FileServerList & "" & "/" & item i of VolumeList
   --set cmd to "afp://" & item i of unList & ":" & item i of pwList & "@" & item i of FileServerList & "/" & item i of VolumeList
   --added for debugging
   display dialog cmd
       mount volume cmd
   on error e number n
       display dialog "Error number " & (n as string) & ":" & return & e
   end try
   --end of server connnect markup
   set destfolder1 to (choose folder with prompt "choose destination folder 1")
   set dFname1 to name of (info for destfolder1)
   set destfolder2 to (choose folder with prompt "choose destination folder 2")
   set dFname2 to name of (info for destfolder2)
   repeat with i in DLfiles
       set serverURL to quoted form of (servername & i)
       set destPath to quoted form of (tempFolder & i)
       do shell script "curl -o " & destPath & " -u " & server_username & ":" & server_password & " " & serverURL
   end repeat
end repeat
tell application "Finder" to set fileList to items of (POSIX file tempFolder as alias)
set c to count fileList
repeat with i in fileList
   if (name extension of (info for (i as alias)) is "zip") then
       tell application "StuffIt Expander" to expand {i as alias} into destfolder1
       tell application "Finder" to move (i as alias) to destfolder1
   end if
end repeat
quit application "StuffIt Expander"
display dialog (c as string) & " file(s) downloaded" buttons {"Done"} default button 1
set toCopy to button returned of (display dialog "Copy all files from folder " & dFname1 & " to folder " & dFname2 & "?" buttons {"No", "Copy"} default button 2)
if toCopy is "Copy" then
   tell application "Finder" to duplicate (get items of destfolder1) to destfolder2
end if
set toDelete to button returned of (display dialog "Delete all files in folder " & dFname1 & "?" buttons {"No", "Delete"} default button 2)
if toDelete is "Delete" then do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of POSIX path of destfolder1 & "*"
   do shell script "rm -rf " & quoted form of tempFolder
end try

display dialog "Thanks for using the script" buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 5

In the script above, I need help adding this feature:
After the files is copied to the second destination folder, and if the name of the mounted volume (which is the name of the second folder) is Uploads, do the following:
Let the user know when files finish uploading (This Volume will delete the file after it’s uploaded, so I need to check if the files is still in uploads or not). If the file is not in uploads, then it fiished uploading.
When file finishes uploading, show message, file sinished uploading, then open FireFox in the URL""
