I apologize for the ‘noob-ness’ of this. I’ve made some fairly complex apple scripts but I have no idea what I’m really doing with xcode, cocoa, or obj-c.
I have set of scripts that I want to run but I want it to open as an application and ask the user for a few pieces of text. I’m writing this because I have the scripts all ready, I know what the simple interface should look like - it’s just so hard to figure out how to make it all work together with xcode because applescript studio is depreciated. I was able to enable it in the interface editor and that really helped line things up with the tutorials I see … my main problem is there is so much info out there, it just doesn’t apply to xcode/OS X today.
Thoughts? Anyone wish to help me out with this? Once I finally got it “connected” xcode build and run always errors out on the “on clicked theObject” line. Error below:
error: Expected “given”, “into”, “with”, “without” or other parameter name but found identifier. (-2741)