continuously Check a folder

Hi all.
I’m realizing an application that has to continuous check a folder for new uploaded files.
When it finds a new file, copies it to a local folder and change the label of the original file to red.
If I type the folder address, all works fine, but I want to choose the folder only when the application starts. If I put the corresponding line into the idle handler, of course it opens the dialog at the beginning of a new cycle.
Otherwise, if I put the corresponding line in a Run handler, the erro is that it doesn’t recognize the variable.
Is there a way to make the window open only one time or to choose automatically the same directory if user doesn’t interact within n seconds?
Thank you in advance for help.
I post here my code


on idle
tell application “Finder”
set itemGroup to (every document file of folder “prova” of startup disk)
repeat with x from 1 to count of itemGroup
set groupItem to item x of itemGroup
set labelItem to the label index of groupItem
if labelItem = 2 or labelItem = 6 then

			tell application "Preview"
				print groupItem without dialog
				delay 1 * 10
			end tell
			copy groupItem to folder "arrivo" of startup disk
			set the label index of groupItem to 2
			set the_file to groupItem
		end if
	end repeat
end tell
return 2 * 60

end idle

Hi, Luigi. Welcome to MacScripter. Sorry to see you haven’t had a reply yet.

All you need to do (if you haven’t already worked it out) is to declare a global variable and store the folder alias in that:

global theFolder

on run
	set theFolder to (choose folder)
end run

on idle
	tell application "Finder"
		set itemGroup to (every document file of theFolder)
		-- etc.