Controlling OS 9 Computers from X

Hello, I am searching for a way to run scripts from my OS X machine to trigger events on an OS 9 machine. I would like to be able to run a script on my X machine to cause the 9 machine to go into sleep mode. I have this working using OS 9 → OS 9, but cannot get it to work with X. The script is:

tell application “Finder” of machine “eppc://”
end tell

It seems to have trouble authenticating the program linking from my X machine. I t brings up am authentication window with login and pass, which I enter, and then it spins the beachball until I force quit. Is it even possible to control my OS 9 comp from X? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


I can’t get the sleep command to work here (I have a non-Apple control panel to sleep my OS 9 computer), but this code connects from OS X 10.2.6 to OS 9.1.

using terms from application "Finder"
	tell application "Finder" of machine "eppc://user:password@"
		display dialog "sleep"
	end tell
end using terms from

Maybe the sleep command will work for you. If it does, thank JJ for the code! :wink: