Convert csv to Excel - urgent

Hi there

I want to convert some csv files. They look like this


and this should result

Somebody who can program this for me I will pay 50$ via Paypal.
Need this really urgent :wink:

I’ll do the first part of this for free. This awk script sets the Record Separator to “\n” and the Field Separator to ", ". Then it prints the second field of each record of File1 from records 13 to 19.

awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n";FS=", ";ORS="\t"}{if (NR > 12 && NR < 20) print $2}' <File1

In the “” it prints out the fields that you want to put in to your Excel spreadsheet.

14.39 28.47 0.31 0.19 17.18 0.28 39.19

Maybe someone else can do the Applescript end of things for $50.