I’m working on a script that takes an .aif file in the Finder and puts it into iTunes for playback on my iPod.
I got the file from the Finder into iTunes (whew!). How would I then go about converting it to an .m4a file, and then deleting the .aif file after the conversion has finished?
This is simply done using iTune’s ‘convert’ command. It takes a track (or list of tracks) and converts them using the current import settings (so make sure that’s set to AAC before you convert).
This script works on the selection, but it should be easy to change it to work on any list of tracks
tell application "iTunes"
set theTracks to selection
repeat with aTrack in theTracks
set newtrack to convert aTrack -- newtrack will be the new AAC track
delete theTrack
end repeat
end tell
-- set local drive information
set playlistName to "Radio Show "
set path_to_AIFF_files to "Users:tim:Music:Convert to iTunes:"
set path_to_music_library to "Users:tim:Music:iTunes:iTunes Music:"
set path_to_recorded_file to "Users:tim:Music:Recorded Radio Programs:"
-- Set up today's date in format mm/dd/yyyy
set todaysDate to (current date)
set {m, d, y} to {month, day, year} of todaysDate
set monthList to {January, February, March, April, May, June, ¬
July, August, September, October, November, December}
repeat with i from 1 to 12
if m = (item i of monthList) then
set monthString to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & i)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set dayString to text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & d)
set todaysDate to monthString & "-" & dayString & "-" & y
-- set radio show's name with today's date
set theFileName to playlistName & " " & todaysDate & ".aif"
-- Let's get to work!
tell application "iTunes"
-- set the volume in case of muting
if (mute) then
set mute to false
end if
set volume 5 -- so I know it's playing
-- select playlist/radio stream
set thePlaylist to playlist "Radio Programs"
set shuffle of thePlaylist to false
play track 1 of thePlaylist
end tell
-- Record the program
tell application "WireTap"
start recording
end tell
-- Record for 3 hours (counted in seconds)
delay (1 * 10800)
-- Stop recording
tell application "WireTap"
stop recording
-- quit WireTap
end tell
tell application "iTunes"
end tell
-- Rename the newly recorded file with today's date
tell application "Finder"
set the_file_path to path_to_recorded_file & "show001.aiff:"
set name of file the_file_path to theFileName
-- move the file to the "Convert to iTunes" folder
select file theFileName of folder path_to_recorded_file
move selection to folder path_to_AIFF_files
on error err
display dialog err
end try
close front window
end tell
-- Add the file to iTunes and convert to AAC
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is stopped or player state is paused then
set addedTrack to add theFileName
-- convert to aac
set newtrack to convert addedTrack -- newtrack will be the new AAC track
delete addedTrack
add theFileName
end if
on error err
display dialog err
end try
end tell
iTunes is getting hung up because it can’t find the file fileName
I’m having a very similar problem.
I need a folder containing AIFF files to be imported into iTunes and then converted into MP3 or AAC.
I’ve trying my ass off but iTunes just won’t find the files when I tell it where they are.