Convert Windows server links to Mac friendly?

I’m sure someone knows the answer to this, i have been looking and cannot find anything as yet.

Our system here at works on exchange 2003 and everyone runs XP.

Except of course me using a mac. I get links sent to me and they take on the form

file://///uranus/gen/Retail Ops/thedoc.doc

For it to work I need to replace the file:///// with smb:// and then everything will run fine.

How can i make an applescript so that I right click the link and then have the applescript in there to convert it?

Or does anyone have a better suggestion.

Many Thanks


What browser are you using? One method would be to grab the URL from the address bar, alter it, and then go to the location, but Firefox is not scriptable. Alternatively, if the link is in a document, you could copy it, alter it, and then go to the modified URL. The second method is obviously easier because it’s browser independent.

Looks like I might have not explained that properly.

At work they have a windows based server and everyone but me uses windows PC’s. I get to have a mac!

They send me links to files on the server and theses are in a windows format.

The mail I receive “look” like this

G:\Retail Ops Public\BULLETIN\2011-2012\Week 19\Bulletin - All Docs.doc

When you look at it as plain text you get the actual link that looks like this


I was hoping to get a script to do a “find and replace” on the file:///\ and change it to smb:// and then put it back in my inbox ready to read where the link will then work on clicking the hyperlink.

I’m using the not entourage/outlook.

I understand. Big Problem: I don’t think Mail will let you change an incoming message. You still might manage by running a script against the selected mail.

set tURL to {}
	tell application "Mail"
		repeat with theMessage in (get selection)
			set tMsg to paragraphs of (get content of theMessage)
			repeat with thisP in tMsg
				if thisP contains "file:///\\" then
					set tRest to rich text 11 thru -1 of tURL
					set tURL to "smb://" & tRest
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end tell
	open location item 1 of tURL
on error
	display alert "No URL Found"
end try

I don’t have any way to test this, however.