I’m trying to create a script that will copy the contents of a CF card into a specific folder on my desktop, then eject the card. I need to get the files out of a 3rd level folder within the disk, for example “Disk_Name - DCIM - Folder_Name” and then get the contents of that folder name.
Any ideas?
adjust the property lines to the appropriate names
property CFcard : "Nikon D200:DCIM:102ND200:"
property destinationFolderName : "pictures"
set destinationFolder to ((path to desktop as text) & destinationFolderName)
tell application "Finder"
if not (exists folder destinationFolder) then make new folder at desktop with properties {name:destinationFolderName}
move files of folder CFcard to folder destinationFolder
eject (disk of folder CFcard)
end tell
It’s also possible to automate the whole process with launchd, which can trigger a script when a disk is mounted