Hi all
This will duplicate a folder for example
duplicate myFldr to myDest without replacing
What is the script to rename the folder in myDest
Do I must use a separate line to change the name of the folder or is this also possible in the duplicate line ?
Or is there other script that is much better to do this
What I really are looking for is like this in VBA with FSO, you can rename the dest folder with a date/time for example
FSO.MoveFolder Source:=FromPath, Destination:=ToPath
This is my Windows page that I want to make for the Mac also for VBA users
the Finder can’t move/duplicate and rename at the same time.
As the result of the line is the reference to the duplicated item, use a second line
tell application "Finder"
set duplicatedFolder to duplicate folder "myFolder" to folder "myDestination"
set name of duplicatedFolder to "newName"
end tell
There is another way by using the cp or ditto shell command. Both can duplicate and rename in a single line
Hi Stefan
Clear, thanks
I will start making a VBA function of the script and maybe I be back for more help.
Have a nice weekend
Hi Stefan
Almost got what I want but need more help from you
When I use set name of folder I want it to replace a existing folder if it is there.
With Replacing not seems to work, can you push me it the good direction
then I recommend the shell version
Thanks Stefan
I forget about Finder and try to create a Shell script that do what I want.
Have a great day