Copy and Paste with Illustrator CS (or CS2)

i´ll try to tell you what i need:
In a folder are two Illustrator doks. The Script must open the doks. One dok named e.g abcde.inpdf and the other dok named abcde.ard.
Now must illustrator copy all things from dok abcde.inpdf in the other dokument - behind the existing layers. At the end Illustrator must save the dok.

I hope anyone understand this an has an idee or a script for me.:confused:



Try this, You will after change the names of the documents, this also works on the basis
that the documents are already open but you could always tell illustrator to do this first, this script will cover the moving from one
doc to the other though. if you have trouble adding these other bits including the save let me know! I can’t do much more just now my battery is going flat on my laptop.

tell application "Illustrator CS"
	tell document ""
		set f to every page item of layer 1
	end tell
end tell
tell application "Illustrator CS"
	tell document ""
		make new layer at end with properties {name:"test"}
	end tell
end tell
tell application "Illustrator CS"
	duplicate f to layer "test" of document ""
end tell