Copy files from a folder to a network folder with replacing

Hi Folks, it’s me again… i have another doubt about coping files from a folder to another folder (network folder mounted from server) with replacing.

Is there a copy all files tag from a folder to another??

Can anyone help me with this again??

Thanx a lot

Andre Tozzini

The Finder’s ‘duplicate’ command (which is used to copy files) takes any number of source files to be duplicated. so you can just:

tell application "Finder"
   duplicate (every file of folder "Path:to:source") to folder "path:to:dest:" with replacing
end tell

You can get even more creative using ‘whose’ clauses, but the point is that with the Finder’s ‘duplicate to ’ command can be any reference to any number of items on disk whether that’s one file or thousands.

Thanx a lot Camelot, it works perfectly…

Andre Tozzini