Copy files from folder to remote share

I would like to copy the entire contents from my “Documents” folder to a windows share (Volume) that I am connected to…
Can someone please help me how to make an AppleScript that can do the trick ?

Thanks in advantage.


There you go you should only need to change “kim” and “STORAGE” to the appropriate names

tell application "Finder"
	copy folder "Documents" of folder "kim" of folder "Users" of startup disk to disk "STORAGE"
end tell

if this is something you would like to do all the time then something like this would be a better approch and won’t take long

set smbVol to "STORAGE"
if (list disks) contains smbVol then
	set nothing to do shell script "rsync -a --delete --modify-window=10 ~/Documents /Volumes/" & smbVol & "/"
	display dialog "Done"
end if