Copy files without any "dialogbox"

In one of our scripts - we are duplication (copy) a file. But I don’t want the user to se the dialox box. The file should be duplicated without the user sees it.
Is that possible ?

Yes, very easily. You need to have “Akua sweets” in your Scriptintg Additions Folder (free download if you haven’t already got it). Then all you need is:

AkuaCopy aFile to file bFile without progress display


I should have prefaced that with “Assuming you’re not using OS X!”. If you are using X then wait for someone else to answer you.

: “If you are using X then wait for someone else to answer
: you.”
: …and PLEASE…let it be to say that Akua is coming to OS X!
I just use copyfile (name and path of file) to (new path) replacing yes
I think this uses jons commands
Worked for about 6 years for me.

Copyfile "hard disc:rick1.pdf" to "hard disk:ricks folder:" replacing yes

regards Rick

If youre on OSX you could use a unix command and call it from applescript using “do shell script”