Feeling Kinda stupid now as I keep having to pester u guys with questions,
I’m sure this is easy but I can’t get my head round it,
I want to copy part of a text edit file and then paste that into a new
text edit file and save it down to the desktop.
Do you mean something like this? It saves the text between to strings to a new file.
property tid_1 : "<xapTPg:Fonts>"
property tid_2 : "</xapTPg:Fonts>"
on run
set docChoose to chooseActiveTextEditDocument()
-- missing value
if docChoose is missing value then
display dialog "No open documents in TextEdit" buttons "OK" default button 1
end if
-- false
if docChoose is false then return
-- get text
tell application "TextEdit" to set fullText to text of document docChoose
set newText to getText of fullText from tid_1 to tid_2
-- new
set myFile to (choose file name with prompt "Choose the location to save the file")
if myFile does not end with ".txt" then set myFile to (myFile & ".txt") as string
-- write
set OA to open for access myFile with write permission
write newText to OA starting at 0
close access OA
on error theMsg
close access OA
end try
display dialog "Writing to \"" & POSIX file of myFil & "\" failed:" & return & return & theMsg
end try
end run
(* ===== HANDLERS ===== *)
on getText of someText from startingPoint to endingPoint
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to startingPoint
set v to text item 2 of someText
on error
return ""
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to endingPoint
set v to text item 1 of v
end try
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
return v
end getText
on chooseActiveTextEditDocument() -- returns name or missing value or false
set myActive to appIsActive("TextEdit")
if myActive is true then
tell application "TextEdit"
-- if none
if (count every document) is 0 then return missing value
-- choose document
set allNames to name of every document
end tell
set myChoice to (choose from list allNames)
-- if canceled
if myChoice is false then return false
-- if normal
set myChoice to myChoice as string
return myChoice
else -- not active
return missing value
end if
end chooseActiveTextEditDocument
on appIsActive(appName)
tell application "System Events" to return (exists process appName)
end appIsActive