Copying a file in 2 places at once

Well hello there,
New to apple, script and the automator,
I have a file (excel file), and save it each time I enter some new information, then I save it again, in another folder, then another folder, on and then to another folder.
Becoming a bit of a pain in the u know what…
Is there anyway at all, that I can click save once and this certain file will be saved in the relative folders???
I am just begining to learn about applescript like I said before. I am sure there is a way. Right?

Model: PowerBook g4
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

In AppleScript, you would tell Excel to save the first copy from a script, and then tell the Finder to duplicate that copy to each of the other locations. An AppleScript can be part of an Automator Workflow (but I’m not an Automator guy). Excel X and Excel 2004 are different - which are you using.?