copying an excel worksheet from one document to another

i am having a terrible time trying to script copying a worksheet from one document to another.

nothing i’ve tried has worked. i feel i’m missing something in the Excel Applescript Dictionary because it can’t possibly as hard as i’m making it.

this is one component of a much larger project and ironically the more complicated bits came together fairly easily.

i’ve also been unsuccessful at simply selecting the used range of the first sheet and pasting it into the second.

any help will be greatly appreciated.

thanks in advance.

It sounds like you have two Excel workbooks. In one of those workbooks there is a worksheet. You want a copy of that sheet to be put in the second workbook.

Do you want a new sheet to be created or do you want the source sheet to be copied to an existing sheet in the second book?

This will copy the source sheet as a new sheet at the end of the worksheets of Workbook2.xls.

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set sourceSheet to sheet "Sheet1" of workbook "Workbook1.xls"
	set destinationBook to workbook "Workbook2.xls"
	tell destinationBook
		set lastSheetOfDBook to sheet (count of sheets)
	end tell
	copy worksheet sourceSheet after lastSheetOfDBook
end tell

this may help


i apologize for being vague. i’ve been wrestling with this problem i kind of forgot other people wouldn’t already know my pain. :wink:

i have two existing workbooks (let’s call them “START” and “FINISH”). i need to get a worksheet from START to FINISH.

the thread that was referenced takes an existing workbook’s worksheet and moves it to a new workbook. when i try adding any sort of reference to where i want it copied to to the end of the “copy worksheet active sheet” line it gets all mad at me.

again, thanks in advance for any help.

Changing the workbook names in post #2 should do what you want.

also, i’m not going to know the names of the workbooks or worksheets beforehand.

when i take your script and swap out the filenames for variables, it gets all wonky on me:

set theSKUFile to choose file with prompt "SELECT THE SKU LIST:"
set theContentFiles to choose file with prompt "SELECT THE CONTENT FILES:" with multiple selections allowed
repeat with HereWeGo from 1 to count of items in theContentFiles
	tell application "Microsoft Excel"
		open theSKUFile
		set sourceSheet to worksheet 1 of workbook theSKUFile
		set destinationBook to workbook (item HereWeGo of theContentFiles)
		open destinationBook
		tell destinationBook
			set lastSheetOfDBook to sheet (count of sheets)
			copy worksheet sourceSheet after lastSheetOfDBook
		end tell
	end tell
end repeat

this results in the worksheet in the workbook theSKUFile is referencing being duplicated in itself.

all the variables are getting the values they need, it just won’t cooperate.

The problem that I had with that script is that theSKUFile is a file not a workbook.
Try this

set theSKUFile to choose file with prompt "SELECT THE SKU LIST:"
set theContentFiles to choose file with prompt "SELECT THE CONTENT FILES:" with multiple selections allowed

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	open theSKUFile
	set sourceSheet to worksheet 1 of workbook (name of active workbook)
	repeat with HereWeGo in theContentFiles
		open HereWeGo as alias
		tell active workbook
			set lastSheetOfDBook to sheet (count of sheets)
		end tell
		copy worksheet sourceSheet after lastSheetOfDBook
	end repeat
end tell

you’re my hero!

thank you so very much!

i’m just such a noob that i’m not really seeing why your’s works. this is my first stab at scripting Excel, up to now i’ve worked exclusively with inDesign and the phrasing of commands is completely different.

is it because theSKUFile only contains a reference to one file and the HereWeGo variable is rolling through a list of files?

again, thank you so very much!

I’m also relatively new to AppleScript, but

(This is where I’m not sure and would appreciate correction from the knowlegable if I’m wrong.)
theSKUFile is an alias, whose coersion to text returns a complete path e.g. “Macintosh HD:Users:…:Workbook1.xls”

The Excel object model handles workbooks by their name , e.g. the pure text value “Workbook1.xls”

So, the statement “workbook theSKUFile” would fail.

It seems as if each item in theContentsFile (the various HereWeGo’s) is text (not an alias) and so the “as alias” has to be added to coerse the text to an alias so the open command works properly.

An alternate approach might be to extract the workbook’s name from the aliases/strings and use Excel’s Open Workbook command, instead of AppleScript’s Open, but I’m not experienced enough to be confident about changing a script that is working.

Furthermore, AppleScript variables are assigned ByRef rather than ByVal (using terms from VBA).
If you have a workbook with two sheets, running this script

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    activate object sheet "Sheet1"
    set mySheet to active sheet
    --set mySheet to get active sheet
    --copy active sheet to mySheet
    set myFirstName to name of mySheet
    activate object sheet "Sheet2"
    set mySecondname to name of mySheet
end tell
display dialog myFirstName & linefeed & mySecondName

will return
in all those variations of setting the variable mySheet. When Sheet2 becomes the active sheet, mySheet then refers to Sheet2.
I came up with, and used in your script, this syntax to fix the value of mySheet

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    activate object sheet "Sheet1"
    set mySheet to sheet (name of active sheet)
    set myFirstName to name of mySheet
    activate object sheet "Sheet2"
    set mySecondname to name of mySheet
end tell
display dialog myFirstName & linefeed & mySecondName
