When I use the “Script Editor Scripts” (by the applescript icon, or by Control → Click and then selecting a script, for instance Dialogs → “Dialog 1-button Cancel”, then then original file (in the Library, gets over-written. The next time I try to insert the same Dialog (using that method), I get an error message box:
Applescript Error
An error occurred during the execution of the script.
Cancel Edit
But Edit does not work. I cannot even open the script again via Finder when I go to it, and, as I said, it shows that it has been modified.
Forunately, I have back-up and can restore the file, but a one-time use is less than desirable.
I am using OS X 10.4 .8 or .10 with the same result.
Model: Mac mini
AppleScript: 1.10.7 editor (81)
Browser: Safari 419.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)
a suggestion: this script checks the stationery pad check box in the information window of all Script Editor Scripts
set SEScriptsFolder to ((path to scripts folder from local domain as Unicode text) & "Script Editor Scripts:")
tell application "Finder" to set stationery of files of entire contents of folder SEScriptsFolder whose kind is "Compiled OSA Script (data-fork)" to true
Mian topic: I ran the scriptlet, but it gave an error. Nevertheless, I looked up info on the stationary check box, and checked one of the offending files. No change in the negative effect. The file was still modiified?
Of other interest: Your script showed, within the (( )) words such as “to” and “from” in bold. I see that as a good thing, but don’t know how to make that happen in Apple’s Script Editor. Can you help with that?
Mostly though, I would like the main topic resolved, if possible.
On my machine it works properly, if I choose the script directly in Script Editor.
Doubleclicking the script in the Finder causes the behavior you described