The names of the picture boxes are only going to return something meaningful if you have actually named the boxes from a script previously. Did you name the boxes? I suspect what you actually want to do is to find all the picture boxes that contain a specific image. If that is the case, try this code (adjusting the path to the image, of course):
set the_image to "path:to:Test1.tiff"
tell application "QuarkXPress? 4.11"
tell document 1
set HowManyTestsTIFFS to count of (picture boxes whose file path of image 1 of it = (the_image as alias))
display dialog "There are: " & HowManyTestsTIFFS & " file(s)."
end tell
end tell
If you want to use your original script, run this script first which will set the name of all picture boxes that have an image to the name of that image:
tell application "QuarkXPress? 4.11"
tell document 1
set picture_box_refs to object reference of picture boxes
repeat with this_picture_box in picture_box_refs
tell this_picture_box
set name to (my get_name(file path of image 1))
end tell
end try
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on get_name(the_path)
set old_delim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
set the_name to (text item -1 of (the_path as string))
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delim
return the_name
end get_name
After this is run, you should be able to successfully run your original script.
Yes, I do want to count only those picture boxes that contain specific image. I didn’t name the boxes.
I copied the code:
set the_image to "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
tell application "QuarkXPress™ 4.11"
tell document 1
set HowManyTestsTIFFS to count of (picture boxes whose file path of image 1 of it = (the_image as alias))
display dialog "There are: " & HowManyTestsTIFFS & " file(s)."
end tell
end tell
and ran the script. I got an error. Below’s the error message:
QuarkXPress™ 4.11 got an error: every picture box of document 1 whose file path of image 1 = alias "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff" doesn't understand the count message.
The file is on the desktop. It was not moved when the script was running. I’m running MacOS X 10.3.2 however I don’t think that os version has something to do with it.
Was the file on the desktop when it was imported into the picture boxes in QXP? If it was in some other location when imported, and then you moved it to your desktop to run the script without updating the document, there will be no picture boxes that match and you may receive the error you mentioned. Is this the case?
Try this (Tested and works with OS 9.2 and QXP 4.0)
set the_image to alias"WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
tell application "QuarkXPress™ 4.11"
tell document 1
repeat with i from 1 to count of picture boxes
if file path of image 1 of picture box i = the_image then
set HowManyTestsTIFFS to HowManyTestsTIFFS + 1
end if
end repeat
display dialog "There are: " & HowManyTestsTIFFS & " file(s)."
end tell
end tell
jonn8 - yes, the file was on the desktop when I imported it into quark’s picture boxes and it was not moved from the desktop.
debloem - when I copied and pasted your code into script editor I got the error message saying that “The variable HowManyTestsTIFFS is not defined.” So I added the line defining the variable and setting it to 0 (zero). The code is as follows:
set the_image to alias "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
tell application "QuarkXPress? 4.11"
tell document 1
repeat with i from 1 to count of picture boxes
if file path of image 1 of picture box i = the_image then
set HowManyTestsTIFFS to 0
set HowManyTestsTIFFS to HowManyTestsTIFFS + 1
end if
end repeat
display dialog "There are: " & HowManyTestsTIFFS & " file(s)."
end tell
end tell
However, I still can’t count all picture boxes that contain “Test1.tiff”, even though there are 4 picture boxes out of 5 that contain the image. When I ran the script it returns 1 (one) in dialog box. In Event Log I can see that it finds all 5 picture boxes. The output of a log file is:
tell application "QuarkXPress� 4.11"
count every picture box of document 1
get file path of image 1 of picture box 1 of document 1
alias "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
get file path of image 1 of picture box 2 of document 1
get file path of image 1 of picture box 3 of document 1
alias "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
get file path of image 1 of picture box 4 of document 1
alias "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
get file path of image 1 of picture box 5 of document 1
alias "WaterX:Users:paff:Desktop:Test1.tiff"
display dialog "There are: 1 file(s)."
{button returned:"OK"}
end tell
How can I make AS to do what I want it to do - to count properly all picture boxes with “Test1.tiif” in them?
I can confirm that all of the code I posted above works on Mac OS X 10.3.2 and QuarkXPress 4.1.1 running in Classic. Here is the combination of the second code I posted and your original code along with a “choose file” call at the beginning to allow you to just run the code without modification (select the image in question):
set the_image to (my get_name(choose file))
tell application "QuarkXPress? 4.11"
tell document 1
set picture_box_refs to object reference of picture boxes
repeat with this_picture_box in picture_box_refs
tell this_picture_box
set name to (my get_name(file path of image 1))
end tell
end try
end repeat
set HowManyTestsTIFFS to count of (picture boxes whose name = the_image)
on error the_error
display dialog the_error buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 0
end try
set the_plural to "s"
if HowManyTestsTIFFS = 1 then set the_plural to ""
display dialog "The image "" & the_image & "" was placed " & HowManyTestsTIFFS & " time" & the_plural & " in this file." buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon 1
end tell
end tell
on get_name(the_path)
set old_delim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {":"}
set the_name to (text item -1 of (the_path as string))
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delim
return the_name
end get_name
Hi Paff,
you are right. I forgot to paste the "set HowManyTestsTIFFS to 0 " from my script to my message. :oops:
But you had to put it before the repeat statement. Otherway in each loop, the value of HowManyTestsTIFFS returns to 0 . That’s why you get this value of 1.
I think it will work for you too now (if you want to try once).
Happy to see that the script of jonn8 works great for you. His approach of your problem is different of mine and it’s interesting.