Count items in list whose are false

I’m sure you can use the ‘whose’ line on list to count items thats are of a choosen value, I’ve tried may lines, can someone tell me this.

set TheList to {true, false, true, false, false}
set TheCount to count of (items of TheList whose it is false) --error

or not counting just getting a smaller list

set TheWordList to {"false", "true", "false", "false"}
set TheWordsThatAreFalse to items in TheWordList whose it contains "false" -- error

Syntax is

referenceToObject ( whose | where ) Boolean

Is it becuase I’m sending a list to the whoose line?

I can work around it by using a repeat but that not nice applescripting

set TheList to {true, false, true, false, false}
set TheCount to 0
repeat with i from 1 to (count of TheList)
	if item i of TheList is false then set TheCount to TheCount + 1
end repeat

Help please.

Unfortunately, you cannot extract/examine lists/records using the containment commands. This post has some good explanations, especially #6 through #8.

Good Luck,

You can make it a bit tighter:

set L to {true, false, true, false, false}
set CF to 0
repeat with i in L
	if not i then set CF to CF + 1
end repeat

Here’s another way using text item delimiters.

set TheWordList to {"false", "true", "false", "false"}
set t to TheWordList as string
set utid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"false"}
set temp_list to text items of t
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to utid
set c to (count temp_list) - 1


So I wasn’t going mad. Thanks Adam Bell thans a little short.

Would loading into a script object speed it up?

set L to {true, false, true, false, false}
on Fast(L)
	script C
		property SL : L
	end script
	set CF to 0
	repeat with A in C's SL
		if not A then set CF to CF + 1
	end repeat
	return CF
end Fast

Applescript is fun

Sure does: here’s the comparison on my machine using Nigel Garvey’s “Lotsa”; a little over 10 to 1 on a large array, but hardly worth the trouble for a small one.

set Timings to lotsa(1000)

on lotsa(many)
	-- Any other preliminary values here.
	set L1 to {true, false, true, false, false}
	set L to {}
	repeat 50 times
		set L to L & L1
	end repeat
	-- Dummy loop to absorb a small observed
	-- time handicap in the first repeat.
	repeat many times
	end repeat
	-- Test 1.
	set t to GetMilliSec
	repeat many times
		-- First test code or handler call here.
		script C
			property SL : L
		end script
		set CF to 0
		repeat with A in C's SL
			if not A then set CF to CF + 1
		end repeat
	end repeat
	set t1 to ((GetMilliSec) - t) / 1000
	-- Test 2.
	set t to GetMilliSec
	repeat many times
		-- Second test code or handler call here.
		set CF to 0
		repeat with i in L
			if not i then set CF to CF + 1
		end repeat
	end repeat
	set t2 to ((GetMilliSec) - t) / 1000
	-- Timings.
	return {t1, t2, t1 / t2, t2 / t1}
	--> on my machine: {0.951, 10.022, 0.094891239274, 10.538380651945}
end lotsa