count items of list with boolean operation - not working

i really don˜t know why this is not working out,

set myBusyFiles to {"x", "x", 1}
set allDone to count (items of myBusyFiles where it is not "x")

i tried various variations, still no luck

set myBusyFiles to {"x", "x", 1}
set allDone to count (items of myBusyFiles where its contents is not "x")

thanks for any help

Not working because you can’t filter list contents.

set myBusyFiles to {"x", "x", "y", "z"}
set allDone to 0
repeat with F in myBusyFiles
	if contents of F is not "x" then set allDone to allDone + 1
end repeat
allDone --> 2


set myBusyFiles to {"x", "x", "y", "z"}
set allDone to true
repeat with F in myBusyFiles
	if contents of F is not "x" then set allDone to false
	exit repeat
end repeat
allDone --> false

thanks, i came up with something like this, rather weird but works too

set myCheck to ""
set myCheckCheck to ""
set myBusyFiles to {"x", "x", "x"}
set x to (count myBusyFiles)

repeat x times
	set myCheckCheck to myCheckCheck & "x"
end repeat

	repeat with i from 1 to x
		if item i of myBusyFiles is "x" then
			set myCheck to myCheck & "x"
		end if
	end repeat
	if myCheck is myCheckCheck then exit repeat
end repeat

your solution seems more elegant though…