Create Event Script from email message

Great site! I was wondering if someone could help me modify an existing script in Microsoft Entourage 2004. It is the create an event from message script. Basically, what I need it to do is to search the email body of a message for certain words and map them to fields on event. For example, if I receive an email that contains the following text in the email body:

When: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Where: Conference Room 1

I would like the date and time portion of When to be mapped to the
Start and End section of the event. Also, map the Conference Room 1 portion to Location section of the event.

The reason I need this is because we currently run Exchange 5.5 so I cannot accept meeting invitations sent to me. We all know that you need to be running Exchange 2000 or higher to use WebDav OWA protocol for Exchange functionality in Entourage 2004. When meeting invitations come in, they show up as email messages. I would like to automatically create an event on put it on my calendar. I can do it manually by running the existing script, but I have to always enter the When, Where and Location manually. This can be time consuming when receiving multiple meeting invitations. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am posting the existing script:

	Create Event from Message
	Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	-- get the currently selected message or messages
	set selectedMessages to current messages
	-- if there are no messages selected, warn the user and then quit
	if selectedMessages is {} then
		display dialog "Please select a message first and then run this script." with icon 1
	end if
	repeat with theMessage in selectedMessages
		-- get the information from the message, and store it in variables
		set theName to subject of theMessage
		set theCategory to category of theMessage
		set theContent to content of theMessage
		-- create a new note with the information from the message
		set newEvent to make new event with properties {subject:theName, category:theCategory, content:theContent}
		-- create a link between the message and the new note
		link theMessage to newEvent
		-- if there was only one message selected, then open that new note
		if (count of selectedMessages) = 1 then open newEvent
	end repeat
end tell