I’m trying to create an workflow that will generate a folder structure (see below) where “ShowName” is a variable based on user input. I’ve managed to do it without any subfolders, but can’t manage to get it any further. Does it need to be done with Applescript?
¢ add a Ask for Finder Items action, set the prompt to Choose Destination Folder (or whatever you like) and the type to Folders.
¢ add a Run AppleScript action and replace the code with
property prefix : ""
on run {input, parameters}
set folderpath to POSIX path of (item 1 of input)
set prefix to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Prefix:" default answer "")
set timeStamp to do shell script "date +%Y-%m-%d"
set folderHierarchy to "/{" & folderName(1) & "/" & timeStamp & ¬
"," & folderName(2) & "," & folderName(3) & "/zOld" & ¬
"," & folderName(4) & "/zOld" & ¬
"," & folderName(5) & ¬
"," & folderName(6) & "," & folderName(7) & "/" & timeStamp & ¬
"," & folderName(8) & "," & folderName(9) & "/{'Folder A','Folder B','Folder C'}" & ¬
"," & folderName(10) & "}"
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of prefix & "/" & folderHierarchy
return input
end run
on folderName(v)
return quoted form of (prefix & space & "Folder" & space & v)
end folderName
That almost does it, but I’m afraid I misled you with my original post. The folder structure actually has the names below, which generally don’t change, but might some day in the future. The date stamp for the YYYY-MM-DD folders is handy, and will be useful for the future, but I actually just need the folders to literally be “YYYY-MM-DD” (it’s just meant to remind the user of the proper date format). One last thing, is it possible to tag the ShowName Drafting folder with a green label?
ShowName Client Info & Drawings
ShowName COI
ShowName Drafting
ShowName LW
ShowName Power
ShowName Prod. Management
ShowName Release
ShowName Rig Photos
ShowName Show Order & Pricing
Folder A
Folder B
Folder C
ShowName Venue Info
property prefix : ""
on run {input, parameters}
set folderpath to item 1 of input
set prefix to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Prefix:" default answer "")
set folderHierarchy to "/{" & folderName("Client Info & Drawings") & "/YYYY-MM-DD," & folderName("COI") & ¬
"," & folderName("Drafting") & "/zOld" & ¬
"," & folderName("LW") & "/zOld" & ¬
"," & folderName("Power") & ¬
"," & folderName("Prod. Management") & ¬
"," & folderName("Release") & ¬
"/YYYY-MM-DD," & folderName("Rig Photos") & ¬
"," & folderName("Show Order & Pricing") & "/{'Folder A','Folder B','Folder C'}" & ¬
"," & folderName("Venue Info") & "}"
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of prefix & "/" & folderHierarchy
tell application "Finder" to set label index of folder (prefix & space & "Drafting") of folder prefix of folderpath to 6
return input
end run
on folderName(v)
return quoted form of (prefix & space & v)
end folderName
This job could be done simply enough with the Finder, but the shell makes it a bit easier still.
Since the folder structure might be changed in future I’d make it easy to read and maintain.
Personally I’d run this from FastScripts or Keyboard Maestro, so I’m not going to cover the Automator bit (and Stefan already has).
The script will look more orderly in the Applescript Editor or in an Automator AppleScript action, as the tabs will expand out properly.
set myShowName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Show Name:" default answer "Your Show Name")
set shCMD to text 1 thru -1 of "
showName=" & quoted form of myShowName & ";
if [ -e \"$baseFolderPath$showName\" ]; then
echo \"Error: The showName folder already exists!\";
mkdir -p \"$baseFolderPath$showName\"
cd \"$baseFolderPath$showName\";
mkdir \\
\"$showName Client Info & Drawings\" \\
\"$showName Client Info & Drawings/$dtStr\" \\
\"$showName COI\" \\
\"$showName Drafting\" \\
\"$showName Drafting/zOLD\" \\
\"$showName LW\" \\
\"$showName LW/zOLD\" \\
\"$showName Power\" \\
\"$showName Prod. Management\" \\
\"$showName Release\" \\
\"$showName Release/$dtStr\" \\
\"$showName Rig Photos\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing/Folder A\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing/Folder B\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing/Folder C\" \\
\"$showName Venue Info\";
echo \"$baseFolderPath$showName/$showName Drafting/\";
set shResult to do shell script shCMD
if shResult starts with "Error" then
error shResult
set fldrToTag to alias POSIX file shResult
tell application "Finder" to set label index of fldrToTag to 6
end if
That’s fantastic. Your way makes a lot of sense. I like that it can be saved as an Applescript application, so the user need only to double-click it to run the script. This is going to be used in an office where users’ skill levels vary greatly, so the simpler, the better.
One thing I like about the Automator workflow is that it brought up a window that let you choose the directory for the script output. Is that something that could be added to your script? And/or could it use the directory in which the script resides as the output directory? Knowing both ways would be useful.
any compiled AppleScript can be saved as an application.
This is my approach without the Automator stuff and with a check whether the entered prefix already exists
property prefix : ""
set folderpath to choose folder with prompt "Choose Destination Folder"
set prefix to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Prefix:" default answer "")
tell application "System Events" to exists folder prefix of folderpath
if result then
display dialog "The folder '" & prefix & "' already exists. Please enter a different one" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set folderHierarchy to "/{" & folderName("Client Info & Drawings") & "/YYYY-MM-DD," & folderName("COI") & ¬
"," & folderName("Drafting") & "/zOld" & ¬
"," & folderName("LW") & "/zOld" & ¬
"," & folderName("Power") & ¬
"," & folderName("Prod. Management") & ¬
"," & folderName("Release") & ¬
"/YYYY-MM-DD," & folderName("Rig Photos") & ¬
"," & folderName("Show Order & Pricing") & "/{'Folder A','Folder B','Folder C'}" & ¬
"," & folderName("Venue Info") & "}"
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & quoted form of POSIX path of folderpath & "/" & quoted form of prefix & "/" & folderHierarchy
tell application "Finder" to set label index of folder (prefix & space & "Drafting") of folder prefix of folderpath to 6
on folderName(v)
return quoted form of (prefix & space & v)
end folderName
The default location is the Desktop from whence the user can choose whatever location they want as the base folder.
set baseFolderPath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Choose Root Folder:" default location (path to desktop))
set myShowName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter Show Name:" default answer "Your Show Name")
set shCMD to text 1 thru -1 of "
showName=" & quoted form of myShowName & ";
baseFolderPath=" & quoted form of baseFolderPath & ";
if [ -e \"$baseFolderPath$showName\" ]; then
echo \"Error: The showName folder already exists!\";
mkdir -p \"$baseFolderPath$showName\"
cd \"$baseFolderPath$showName\";
mkdir \\
\"$showName Client Info & Drawings\" \\
\"$showName Client Info & Drawings/$dtStr\" \\
\"$showName COI\" \\
\"$showName Drafting\" \\
\"$showName Drafting/zOLD\" \\
\"$showName LW\" \\
\"$showName LW/zOLD\" \\
\"$showName Power\" \\
\"$showName Prod. Management\" \\
\"$showName Release\" \\
\"$showName Release/$dtStr\" \\
\"$showName Rig Photos\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing/Folder A\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing/Folder B\" \\
\"$showName Show Order & Pricing/Folder C\" \\
\"$showName Venue Info\";
echo \"$baseFolderPath$showName/$showName Drafting/\";
set shResult to do shell script shCMD
if shResult starts with "Error" then
error shResult
set fldrToTag to alias POSIX file shResult
tell application "Finder" to set label index of fldrToTag to 6
end if
on error e number n
set e to e & return & return & "Num: " & n
if n ≠-128 then
tell current application to button returned of ¬
(display dialog e with title "ERROR!" buttons {"Copy Error Message", "Cancel", "OK"} ¬
default button "OK" giving up after 30)
if ddButton = "Copy" then set the clipboard to e
end try
end if
end try
That too is easy enough. Change the top line of the script to these two lines:
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set baseFolderPath to POSIX path of (choose folder with prompt "Choose Root Folder:" default location alias (((text items 1 thru -3 of (path to me as text)) as text) & ":"))
Save the script as an AppleScript application, and you should be good to go.
I actually intended for this to automatically output to the same directory and not bring up a Choose Folder window, like it does in one of Stefan’s scripts.
I had one thought for a future enhancement. Is it possible for the script, either before or after you choose the destination (after probably makes more sense), to have an ability to select between two (or possibly more) unique folder structures within the script?
For example, a dialog box with a button for “Theater” and “Corporate” and a button to Cancel.
I can easily make two different scripts, but it would just be cleaner and slicker to have it one script. If it’s a pain, no worries.
set folderStructureTypeList to {"Theater", "Corporate", "How", "Many", "Choices", "Do", "You", "Want?"}
set fldrStrChoice to choose from list folderStructureTypeList default items (item 1 of folderStructureTypeList)