I have an eCommerce requirement for a site to create a set of folders that are named the same as a product image (name of the sku). The folder must also contain a thumbnail folder with a smaller version of the image. Is there a way to do this inside automator. I’m a novice when it comes to automator and apple scripting and any help would be appreciated.
Folder: G73E4
-------> File: G73E4.jpg
-------> Folder: Thumb
----------------> File: G73E4.jpg (200 X 200 thumbnail version of the original image)
If there is also a way to create a thumbnail of the image and add it to the thumbnail folder in one fail swoop that would be incredible.
Hey, so I have been trying to work this out, and this is where I got up to (see below).
Basically what it does: I created an automator workflow service, so you have to right click on the folder and click the service once you do, the result currently does the following:
Folder: G73E4
-------> File: G73E4.jpg
-------> File: G73E4_tn.jpg
-------> Folder: Thumb
----------------> File: G73E4_tn.jpg (128 X 128 thumbnail version of the original image)
I have not been able to figure out how to get rid of the extra copy of the file “G73E4_tn.jpg” in the main folder. I have also not figured out how to not have the suffix “_tn”. As well the automator action Create Thumbnail Images does not allow you to have a setting of 200 X 200.
I hope this is not a problem. but if someone else can figure out how to get around this, then let me know!