Creating a Job List
Another one that use to work in System 9
Would like to get a version that works in OSX
Basically the script starts with a dialog box that asks for Prefix
(the Job Number followed by “.P”)
Then ask for the Number of Pages
(Start Page) (End Page)
A check box for (Include FC, IFC, IBC, BC)
(Cancel) (Build Log)
Result is a Plain text document with all pages in it ready to import into Quark
Here is the old script;
set d_log_items to [¬
{class:«class ∆Pic», bounds:[0, 0, 283, 195], contents:128}, ¬
{class:«class ∆ETx», bounds:[86, 18, 157, 33], «class pVAL»:"1171_p"}, ¬
{class:«class ∆ETx», bounds:[31, 72, 68, 87], «class pVAL»:"1"}, ¬
{class:«class ∆ETx», bounds:[165, 72, 202, 87], «class pVAL»:"100", name:"End Page", «class ∆Bn2»:[378, 28, 455, 46]}, ¬
{class:«class ∆Chk», bounds:[53, 115, 73, 135], name:""}, ¬
{class:«class ∆Btn», bounds:[154, 152, 269, 172], name:"Build Log"}, ¬
{class:«class ∆Btn», bounds:[67, 152, 145, 172], name:"Cancel"} ¬
set ditems to «event DiDiDlog» {size:[283, 195], contents:d_log_items, style:«constant â—ŠWndname:"ColorLogBuilder v1.0"}
if item 7 of ditems then return
set the_prefix to item 2 of ditems
set start_pg to item 3 of ditems as integer
set end_pg to item 4 of ditems as integer
set do_cvrs to item 5 of ditems
set the_log to ""
if do_cvrs then
set the_log to the_log & (characters 1 thru -2 of the_prefix) & "OFC" & return
set the_log to the_log & (characters 1 thru -2 of the_prefix) & "IFC" & return
set the_log to the_log & (characters 1 thru -2 of the_prefix) & "IBC" & return
set the_log to the_log & (characters 1 thru -2 of the_prefix) & "OBC" & return
end if
repeat with a from start_pg to end_pg
if a < 10 and end_pg > 99 then -- 1171p001
set the_log to the_log & the_prefix & "00" & a & return as string
if (a < 10 and a < 99) or (a > 9 and end_pg > 99 and a < 100) then -- 1171p01 or 1171p083
set the_log to the_log & the_prefix & "0" & a & return as string
set the_log to the_log & the_prefix & a & return as string
end if
end if
end repeat
set refnum to open for access file ((path to desktop as string) & "ColorLog.txt" as string) with write permission
write the_log to refnum
close access refnum