creating a Logfile for a drop folder


I have (by hook and by crook - stolen from the internet) created a script that copies files to a network folder when dropped into a local folder:

property Folder1 : "ENG_HDD_02:JonE:FolderOut"
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
	tell application "Finder"
		if exists disk "ENG_HDD_02" then
			duplicate these_items to folder Folder1 without replacing
				mount volume "smb://" as user name "admin" with password "yeahright"
			end try
			repeat until (list disks) contains "ENG_HDD_02"
			end repeat
		end if
		duplicate these_items to folder Folder1 without replacing
	end tell
end adding folder items to

As you can see, when a file is dropped, it makes sure the network share is mounted before copy. If not it will mount it and then copy the file across.

I’d like to be able to create a log file that logs each stage to a file i.e.:

Volume mount check
Copy check

but I have no idea on how to achieve this. Any help would be really appreciated.




I’m using an universal log handler which writes the log file UTF8 encoded into ~/Library/Logs
I haven’t tested it but try this

property logName : "mountENG_HDD_02.log"
property Folder1 : "ENG_HDD_02:JonE:FolderOut"

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
	if (do shell script "/bin/ls /Volumes" does not contain "ENG_HDD_02") then
			mount volume "smb://" as user name "admin" with password "yeahright"
			writeToLog from "Volume ENG_HDD_02 mounted"
		on error e
			writeToLog from "mount error: " & e
		end try
	end if
	repeat with anItem in these_items
		tell application "Finder"
			set fileName to name of anItem
			if exists file fileName of folder Folder1 then
				writeToLog of me from "file " & fileName & " not copied"
				duplicate anItem to folder Folder1
				writeToLog of me from "file " & fileName & " copied"
			end if
		end tell
	end repeat
end adding folder items to

on writeToLog from theMessage
	tell (current date) to set timestamp to short date string & space & time string & ": "
	set logFile to ((path to library folder from user domain as text) & "Logs:" & logName)
		set the logStream to open for access file logFile with write permission
		set logFileEof to get eof of the logStream
		write timestamp & theMessage & return to logStream starting at eof as «class utf8»
		close access logStream
	on error
			close access file logFile
		end try
	end try
end writeToLog

Hi Stefan,

Really appreciate your help and time on this. I’ve just tried your script, and unfortunately it doesn’t work. The Copy to the SMB mount doesn’t work if the mount is there, and the script doesn’t mount the volume if it isn’t there.

I wasn’t sure how the log file gets created initially, but noticed it haddn’t. So i created a file at the location, but nothing got written. I’ve only had a quick go as i’ve run out of time… so I intend to spend more time on it tomorrow.

Thanks again,


sorry, the parentheses are wrong in the if line

 if (do shell script "/bin/ls /Volumes") does not contain "ENG_HDD_02" then

I tested the script successfully with an AFP volume by removing the on adding handler and specifying
the parameters this_folder and these_items manually

The log file will be created automatically


You are amazing! Thank you!



Hello again,

So it looks like I didn’t do my preparatory work properly and analyse the files that I need to copy. Schoolboy error…

The files that need to be copied are log files that are created and named using the current days date (eg ‘22/09/11.txt’). These files are then written to and appended to during the day at irregular intervals. At around 21:30 (+/- 10 minutes) the next day’s file is created (eg 23/09/11.txt) and then appended to, as described above.

The script Stefan has kindly helped me with, because of my mistake picks up an empty file when its created. What needs to happen, I think(!)… is that when a new file is created, the script should read the new file name, and then copy the file from the previous day. It will be interesting to know how this is achieved at a change in month also! Unless anyone has a better idea!

I am at a loss to know where to start with this…

Any help would be really appreciated.

