Creating a script to run on a specific date.

I’m trying to create a simple script to run on startup on a specific date. Can anyone provide the appropriate format:?:

You could have your script check on startup what the date is and continue if it matches the day you want it to run on…

if the day of the (current date) = 16 and (the month of the (current date) as text) = "April" and the year of the (current date) = 2003 then
	display dialog "Today is the day" --remove this line and put your code here
	display dialog "Not the correct day" --remove this line, put whatever you want your script to do on the days it has off (nothing if need be)
end if

Or, you can use one of the many 3rd party script scheduling utilities found in Macscripter’s Tools section.

Best of luck,

property actionDate : date "Thursday, 1 May 2003 00:00:00"

tell (current date)
  set time to 0
  -- To run on the specified date only, use this:
  if it is not actionDate then return
  -- Alternatively, to run at the first opportunity on or after that date, use this instead:
  if it comes before actionDate then return
end tell

-- Today's the day. If you like, set a new date for the next run of the script:
tell actionDate to set {day, day} to {32, 1} -- 1st of next month

-- Rest of script