Creating a Version Checker Script.

Hello, I’m trying to create applescript script that would check the version of a particular file. I am just learning applescript and I dont know how to go about writing this kind of script. Anyone out there with some ideas on how to go about doing a version check?..all imput is greatly appreciated.


What type of file is it? An application?

You might try:

tell application "Finder"
	version of alias "path:to:file"
end tell


tell application "Finder"
	product version of alias "path:to:file"
end tell

Some files don’t include version info.

The application is MS Outlook 2001: mac

One of the examples above should work. What do you want the script to do once it has determined the application’s version?

My company is in the process of upgraing applications. I wanted to write a script that would check what version of outlook exists. If it’s a later version, I’d kick off and install else quit. I know the Mac side is a bit more challenging than the PC side. Is there a better way of doing this?

My company is in the process of upgraing applications. I wanted to write a script that would check what version of outlook exists. If it’s a later version, I’d kick off and install else quit. I know the Mac side is a bit more challenging than the PC side. Is there a better way of doing this?

I don’t know if there’s a better way or not. Checking version info can be very tricky since it can sometimes contain numbers AND letters. Maybe someone else will chime in here and offer a proven script. :slight_smile:

Thanks Rob…I’ll look sround. If I get something…I’ll be sure to post it.