Creating an action or script with Adobe bridge

Hi all…

Can anyone help with a script for Adobe bridge… is it possible??
Annoyingly so they have taken away the ability to run an action from within Photoshop that creates a contact sheet from selected images within Bridge

It is possible to create a contact sheet from within bridge and also possible to create a contact sheet from within photoshop but some some stupid reason iyou can not create an action to run the selected images in bridge

What i want to do is create a droplet or script that when i select images within bridge… i can then drop them onto this droplet/script which will in turn create a contact sheet within photoshop which i can then link to my other actions in photoshop (i.e flatten image/save/close)

Any ideas??

Thanks Jax

Model: MacBook
AppleScript: 2.0
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

make a folder action script that does all your photoshop stuff the within bridge you can move your files or duplicate them to the folder that has the folder action script attached to it :slight_smile:



i need a workflow whereby i can choose individual pictures with the bridge browser
then without having to manually go into Photoshop to flatten the contact sheets/print/save/close
maybe a script/action that would work when the images have finished contact sheeting in photoshop?
I’m not too sure
any ideas?

Model: MacBook
AppleScript: 2.0
Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

I thought thats what I was suggesting ? no ? the folder action script would do the all the photoshop stuff that you wanted it to but you could pick out what you wanted and drop it in the folder from within Bridge ? is that not what you want ?


Jax, if you were selecting images in Bridge then going to Photoshop to run Menubar/File/Automate/Contact Sheet II. then and you can no longer get the option of use “Selected images from Bridge” as source then go the other way. From Bridge make your selection then in Bridge go Menubar/Tools/Photoshop/Contact Sheet II. or better still use the Menubar/Tools/InDesign/Create InDesign Contact Sheet (this script is included if you installed the CS as suite) no flattening required use template straight to multi page single file PDF. Target a folder with Action Script to print the resulting PDF in the “Output File.” options. Scripting Bridge is JavaScript only. This works with my CS2 suite.