Creating empty Lists?

Sorry if this is a really dumb question, but I’ve had some major problems with Lists in AppleScript.

tell application "Finder"	
	set titles to list
	set paths to list
	set descriptions to list
	set database to list

		set aplicativos to the name of every process as list
		if aplicativos contains "iPhoto" then
			tell application "iPhoto"
				set selecaoAlbum to the name of the current album
				set selecao to the selection as list
				set maximo to count of selecao
				repeat with i from 1 to maximo
					set fotoAtual to item i of selecao
					set caminho to the image path of fotoAtual
					set titulo to the title of fotoAtual
					set comentario to the comment of fotoAtual
					set item i of paths to caminho
					set item i of titles to titulo
					set item i of descriptions to comentario
				end repeat
			end tell
			set item 1 of database to titles
			set item 2 of database to paths
			set item 3 of database to descriptions
			return database as list
			display dialog "iPhoto is not open. Please open iPhoto, select your photos and try running this action again."
		end if
	end tell

What I’m trying to do here is have a List (Database) with 3 Lists inside it, something like:
Database { titles{…}, paths{…}, descriptions{…} }
I get an error on set item 1 of database to paths, it says I can’t set item 1 of {}.
I think that means I’m not “creating” the lists properly?

Also, is there any AppleScript structure that would act as Cocoa’s “NSDictionary”? I really need something as powerfull as that for my script, lists aren’t working very well :frowning:

Thank you very much,

Model: Mac Mini 1.5Ghz 512 64 80
Browser: Safari 417.8
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

I think you want to set end of database to paths

That didn’t work either, says “can’t set end of paths to caminho”.
I just tried with set paths to { “” } as list, but when I run the loop, I get:
Can’t set item 2 of { “Users/nandodevx/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2005/01/03/IMAG0062.JPG” } to “Users/nandodevx/Pictures/iPhoto Library/2005/01/03/IMAG0066.JPG” .

set x to {}

repeat 3 times
	set end of x to "something"
end repeat

get x --> {"something", "something", "something"}

set item 2 of x to "nothing"
--> {"something", "nothing", "something"}

set beginning of x to {"what", "thing?"}
--> {{"what", "thing?"}, "something", "nothing", "something"}

set the second item of the first item of x to "wing?"
--> {{"what", "wing?"}, "something", "nothing", "something"}

set x to the rest of x
--> {"something", "nothing", "something"}

set x to the items -1 thru -2 of x
--> {"nothing", "something"}

Reading the manual would help. e.g. The crusty-but-serviceable AppleScript Language Guide is installed with Developer Tools or available online. There’s various third-party books and tutorials available as well. If you’re previous programming knowledge, your best choice would be the newly published second edition of Matt Neuburg’s ‘AppleScript: The Definitive Guide’.

tell application "System Events" to set isiPhotoRunning to process "iPhoto" exists
if isiPhotoRunning then
	tell application "iPhoto"
		set selecao to selection
		set hasSelectedPhotos to selecao is not {} and class of item 1 of selecao is photo
	end tell
	if hasSelectedPhotos then
		set titles to {}
		set paths to {}
		set descriptions to {}
		repeat with fotoRef in selecao
			tell application "iPhoto"
				set end of titles to title of fotoRef
				set end of paths to image path of fotoRef
				set end of descriptions to comment of fotoRef
			end tell
		end repeat
		return {titles:titles, paths:paths, descriptions:descriptions}
		display dialog "Select your photos in iPhoto and try running this action again."
	end if
	display dialog "iPhoto is not open. Please open iPhoto, select your photos and try running this action again."
end if

Not built-in, though you can roll your own associative list objects or use existing third-party solutions. It does have a built-in record type, which is roughly analogous to a C struct in usage and is probably sufficient for your needs here.

Wow, tahnk you very, very much for the replies. I did look at the Apple documents, but since I haven’t played much with AppleScript, I didn’t get too far. I really appreciate your hel. Thank you very much!

If you are interested in learning more, MacScripter has a Books/Resources link.

Specifically, the latest edition of the AppleScript definitive guide recommended before is available via this link. My personal favorite is Beginning Applescript.

Good luck,

Thank you, Craig. I’ll look into purchasing one of those books.