CS3 info-object class


Is there any way I can set the properties of the class info-object?

info is a properties of the document class and is r/o but info-object appears to be a class of info. Its property list has r/o items but also some items that are not.
Whatever I do I can’t seem to get CS3 to recognize the class name (appear in blue in the script). It treats “object” as a variable (green)


Model: 12 macs now…
AppleScript: 2.2
Browser: Safari 523.15
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

something like this?:

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
	tell front document
		set keywords of info to {"a", "b"} -- list to keywords, liste nach beschreibung-stichwörter
		set supplemental categories of info to "c" -- string to supplemental categories, string nach kategorien-zusätzliche kategorien
	end tell
end tell

Greets from


Thanks TMA… never tried tell front document

This should work perfectly now

Model: 12 macs now…
AppleScript: 2.2
Browser: Safari 523.15
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)

When viewed in CS3 File>file info the keywords are separated by a semi colon – a;b . They of course should be seperated by a comma. Is there a known work around for this


Model: 2 G5’s 1 intel iMac, 2imacs, 1.5 powerbook, G4 a G3Blue and white a 8200…
AppleScript: 2.1.1
Browser: Safari 431.9.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

as far as i know, it’s done by photoshop internal, so you can’t modify it.

Greets from