
: Does anyone have an example of how to add an asset to a Cumulus catalog?
I sure do. grin This one actually does a bit more, though. It takes the text from the “Comment” field of the image and populates the “Notes” field of the just-catalogged image with the same information. You may or may not need this part, but this should give you an excellent start.
Also, check Canto’s website under Downloads. They have a bunch of scripts you can download.

tell application "Finder"
	set itemList to every file of selection
	repeat with aktItem in itemList
		set itemComment to comment of aktItem
		set theasset to name of aktItem
			tell application "Cumulus 5 Client"
				set recID to (catalog assets (aktItem as alias) to front collection) -- this returns a reference to the just cataloged file  
				-- find all records of front collection
				tell recID 
					set value of field "Notes" to (itemComment as text)
				end tell
		 end tell
		on error
			display dialog "Error."
		end try
	end repeat
	-- say "Image catalogging is complete." using "Victoria"
end tell