Curl Issue Ban Request

I’m currently experiencing and issue in applescript with curl that when I start appending variables to the end of a url curl returns with a bad request error. The following code is the code in question (I commented so you can see what I am trying to do as I do it and the steps I have already tried):

--The following what and who variables are just an example, normally this information is retrieved from iTunes
set what to "Attack"
set who to "System Of A Down"
if the following line is used instead I do get the TinyUrl, but notice I had to manually enter the search information

set FullURL to ("")
set FullURL to ("" & what & "+by+" & who & "/")
do shell script "curl '" & FullURL & "' | vis"
set tinyurl to result

--what is the URL?
display dialog FullURL

--the adding the URL to the clipboard was only for debugging. The URL does successfully load in Browser
tell application "Finder" to set the clipboard to the searchFullURL as text

--this is the error I receive
display dialog tinyurl

I imagine it is something trivial like a misplaced quotation mark. But I have looked at it for upwards of an hour and don’t see what is wrong.


the missing point is to replace the space characters in the variable who with plus signs

set who to "System Of A Down"
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, space}
set who to text items of who
set text item delimiters to "+"
set who to who as text
set text item delimiters to TID

if the following line is used instead I do get the TinyUrl, but notice I had to manually enter the search information