I want to improve my script to display my data in Textedit arranged in columns.
Actually my script read the characteristics of the photoshop’s files in the folder I choose and this is my output:
Is there a way to obtain this output:
This is my script:
close application "Image Events"
set y to (choose folder)
set myListAss to ""
tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to y as alias
set the item_list to list folder source_folder without invisibles
set source_folder to source_folder as string
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the item_list
set x to item i of the item_list
set x to (source_folder & x) as alias
tell application "Image Events"
set theImage to open x as alias
set myName to the name of theImage
set imgInfo to dimensions of theImage
set mywidth to item 1 of imgInfo
set myheight to item 2 of imgInfo
set myfiletype to file type of theImage
set imgres to resolution of theImage
set myresolutionX to item 1 of imgres
set myresolutionY to item 2 of imgres
set mycolorspace to color space of theImage
set mydeepimage to bit depth of theImage
close theImage
end tell
set myListRel to myName & tab & tab & mywidth & tab & myheight & tab & myfiletype & tab & myresolutionX & tab & myresolutionY & tab & mycolorspace & tab & return
set myListAss to myListAss & myListRel
end repeat
set valore to text of myListAss
tell application "TextEdit"
set myDocument to make document
tell myDocument
set myTestata to "Nome" & tab & tab & "Base px" & tab & "Altezza px" & tab & "Formato" & tab & "RisoluzioneX" & tab & "RisoluzioneY" & tab & "Spazio Colore" & tab
set myTesto to valore
set its text to myTestata & return & myTesto
set font of every character of its text to "Verdana"
set font of every character of first paragraph of its text to "Verdana-Bold"
end tell
end tell
Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.0.1
Browser: Safari 531.9
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)
This is not perfect but it may give you something to play around with. You could also write an AppleScript pad handler to do the same thing as the ruby script.
close application "Image Events"
set y to (choose folder)
set imageAttributes to ""
tell application "Finder" to set the source_folder to y as alias
set the item_list to list folder source_folder without invisibles
set source_folder to source_folder as string
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in the item_list
set x to item i of the item_list
set x to (source_folder & x) as alias
tell application "Image Events"
set theImage to open x as alias
set myName to the name of theImage
set imgInfo to dimensions of theImage
set mywidth to item 1 of imgInfo
set myheight to item 2 of imgInfo
set myfiletype to file type of theImage
set imgres to resolution of theImage
set myresolutionX to item 1 of imgres
set myresolutionY to item 2 of imgres
set mycolorspace to color space of theImage
set mydeepimage to bit depth of theImage
close theImage
end tell
set imageAttributes to imageAttributes & quoted form of (myName & "," & mywidth & "," & myheight & "," & myfiletype & "," & myresolutionX & "," & myresolutionY & "," & mycolorspace & "<>")
end repeat
set valore to do shell script "/usr/bin/ruby ~/desktop/text_aligner.rb " & imageAttributes
tell application "TextEdit"
set myDocument to make document
tell myDocument
set myTestata to "Nome" & tab & tab & "Base px" & tab & "Altezza px" & tab & "Formato" & tab & "RisoluzioneX" & tab & "RisoluzioneY" & tab & "Spazio Colore" & tab
set myTesto to valore
set its text to myTestata & return & myTesto
set font of every character of its text to "Verdana"
set font of every character of first paragraph of its text to "Verdana-Bold"
end tell
end tell
Save this ruby script on your desktop as “text_aligner.rb”
Since you are on Snow Leopard, why not make an AppleScriptObjC application for this.
Assuming this is just for you and not for distribution to others with os’s less than 10.6.
It would be fairly trivial and easy to read in a table. Just a thought.