Data cells to file

With aid here and reading example code and other references, I’ve learned how to grab text from a file, parse it and put into a table.

Now I have the problem of exporting the data back to a text file after the user has made changes.

I’ve written some code to handle this, but when I run it the text does not output in a format I recognise…anyone know what could be causing this?

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What does it look like? I also notice that your are getting the data columns, not the data rows. That could be a problem. I also don’t see in your code where you define the variables idTotal or theDataSource. Are those properties of your script?

Sorry for the confusion. idTotal is a property variable, and at the time of that post, theDataSource was a property of the script as well.

The result text file has each contents of data cell “-” call outputting this

I found the solution, and it was an easy fix (that took me hours to discover, doh!).

All that was required was to to say contents [] as string, so simple, yet so frustrating.

Thank you for your help Krioni, I wouldnt have been able to stumble onto the solution without your advice.

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