Morning all!
This is completely eluding me, but should a command… command?
I’m in Indesign CS5, and am trying to COMMAND (with lightning and fire) ID to update data source. The dictionary lists it as a command, so I should be able to simply tell it to update, but I get an error.
“Adobe InDesign CS5 got an error: Can’t continue update data source.”
tell document 1
update data source
end tell
If I try update data source 1, it gets me “Adobe InDesign CS5 got an error: 1 doesn’t understand the update data source message.”
This nets me
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
update data source current application
--> error number -1708
end tell
We are anticipating having documents with data that will update, so it will behoove us to figure this out before we create templates, so when the data source changes, we will be able to update an entire folder of merged documents at once, but I can’t get past this.
In ID, one would go into the Data Merge panel menu and select “Update Content in Data Fields”, but this exact comment doesn’t exist in the dictionary.