Date into renamed folder

Okay I need to rename folders with the day’s date. Basically what I have is the program copies a folder from one part of the hard drive to another as a backup. The problem is I want to rename the folder to the date of that day. I can’t have any scripting additions because of the way the computers are loaded. Here is what I have come up with (which doesn’t work:)

tell application "Finder"
   set thedate to (current date)
   set thedate to (characters 1 through 30 of thedate)
   select folder "New Folder" of startup disk
   set name of folder to thedate 
end tell

My (stupid) thinking was to get just characters 1-30 to avoid picking up the “:” since you can’t put that into the name of file. All I really want is to have the folder’s renamed to something like “01292002” or ANYTHING that is close to that. It could even be 012902 for 29th of jan 2002. I have searched the archives for hours and have been unable to find something about this. I would settle for “Tuesday, January 29, 2002” if need be.

The following worked for me - – Handler copied from BSCS.com29.txt of Applescript GuideBooks

tell application "Finder"
	set the members_list to {"AirMiles", "The Bay", "Computer", "LloydsTSB", "LOADS", "LOC", ¬
		"TelPay", "Test", "U.K. £", "VAC", "VISA"}
	set the dialog_result to ¬
		choose from list members_list with prompt ¬
			"Where should the snapshot to go - the date will be added to the file name."
	if the dialog_result is false then
		return "user cancelled"
		set this_member to the first item of the dialog_result
	end if
	copy the this_member as list to {the snapshot}
	open selection
	select file "Picture 1" of startup disk
	set name of selection to the snapshot
	move file snapshot of startup disk to folder snapshot of folder ¬
		"Snapshots" of folder "Utilities" of folder ¬
		"Applications" of startup disk
	set the date_slug to my format_date_using(the current date, ".", ¬
		{"YY", "MM", "DD"})
	select file snapshot of folder snapshot of folder ¬
		"Snapshots" of folder "Utilities" of folder ¬
		"Applications" of startup disk
	set name of selection to snapshot & " " & date_slug
end tell
-- Handler copied from BSCS.com29.txt of Applescript GuideBooks
on format_date_using(this_date_record, delimiter_string, format_list)
	-- get the numeric day
	set numeric_day to the day of this_date_record
	-- get the month
	set month_name to the month of this_date_record
	-- convert month to number
	set the list_of_months to {January, February, March, April ¬
		, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December}
	repeat with i from 1 to 12
		if item i of the list_of_months is the month_name then
			set the numeric_month to i
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
	-- get the numeric year as text
	set numeric_year to the year of this_date_record as string
	set the formatted_date to ""
	-- count the number of items in the list
	set the item_count to the count of the format_list
	-- parse the format list
	repeat with i from 1 to the item_count
		set this_item to item i of the format_list
		if this_item is "D" then
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & numeric_day as string
		else if this_item is "DD" then
			if the numeric_day is less than 10 then ¬
				set numeric_day to ¬
					("0" & (the numeric_day as string))
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & numeric_day as string
		else if this_item is "M" then
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & numeric_month as string
		else if this_item is "MM" then
			if the numeric_month is less than 10 then ¬
				set numeric_month to ¬
					("0" & (the numeric_month as string))
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & numeric_month as string
		else if this_item is "YY" then
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & ¬
				((characters 3 thru 4 of numeric_year) as string)
		else if this_item is "YYYY" then
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & numeric_year
		end if
		if i is not the item_count then
			-- add delimiter
			set the formatted_date to ¬
				the formatted_date & delimiter_string as string
		end if
	end repeat
	return the formatted_date
end format_date_using