Deleting every "nth" word

I’m very new to applescript. I would like to either create or find a script that will allow me to do one of two things:

Either #1: delete “nth” word (a user defined number) in a given section of text (ie, deletes every 5th word in a paragraph);

Or #2: delete any word that starts with a given user-defined character (ie, any word in a paragraph that starts with “-” or “#”)

Let say I have the following sentences:
What is Critical Thinking? For some, the idea of Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use certain cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184).

If in example #1 I wanted to delete every 5th word, the script would return:
What is Critical Thinking? some, the idea of Thinking centers on the to use certain cognitive to sort through some of information, to evaluate, and to use the information to reach a or make a decision (184).


Let say I have the following sentences:
What is @Critical Thinking? For some, the idea of @Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use @certain @cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184).

If in example #2 I wanted to delete every word that begins with “@”, the script would return:
What is Thinking? For some, the idea of Thinking centers on the ability to use means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184).

Any help would be very appreciated!


This would return the right words, but without punctuation for option #1:

-- Getting text and nth
set theString to ¬
	"What is Critical Thinking?  For some, the idea of Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use certain cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184)"
set nth to 5

-- Make list of words
set allWords to every word of theString

-- Loop and make new string
set newString to {}
set firstObjectInt to 1
set lastObjectInt to nth - 1
repeat while lastObjectInt < (count allWords)
	repeat with i from firstObjectInt to lastObjectInt
		set end of newString to (item i of allWords) as string
		set end of newString to " "
	end repeat
	set firstObjectInt to firstObjectInt + nth
	set lastObjectInt to lastObjectInt + nth
end repeat

set newString to newString as string

If you want to keep the punctuation, it’s going to be a lot harder for option #1, but possible for option #2:

global i
-- Getting text and character
set theString to ¬
	"What is @Critical Thinking?  For some, the idea of @Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use @certain @cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184)."
set theExcludeCharacter to "@"

-- loop and make new string
set newString to {}
set i to 1
repeat while (count every character of theString) is greater than or equal to i
	log i
	if character i of theString is not theExcludeCharacter then
		set end of newString to character i of theString
		repeat until character i of theString is " "
			set i to i + 1
		end repeat
	end if
	set i to i + 1
end repeat

set newString to newString as string

Hope it works,

Thank You! Each of these does what I would need them to do. However, quick question:

Is there a way to get the script to ask for text? For example, Let’s say I have a 3 page paper and I want to delete every 5th word. How do I run script #1 to affect that 3 page paper? Or, do I need to manually cut and paste the text into the given area of the script?

Ideally, I would love to be able to run this script through Automator by using this workflow in Automator:
“Ask for Text” (TextEdit) then “Run AppleScript” (or skip the “Ask for Text” step if the script asks for the text) then “New Text File” (TextEdit).

Sorry for being so clueless. But, your help is really helping me to prepare for 3 comprehensive exams I have next week! So, thank you VERY much!


This deletes the Nth word with punctuation.

set myText to "What is Critical Thinking?  For some, the idea of Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use certain cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184). "

RemoveNthWord(myText, 5)

-- "What is Critical Thinking? some, the idea of Thinking centers on the to use certain cognitive to sort through some of information, to evaluate ,and to use the information to reach a or make a decision (184)."

on RemoveNthWord(givenText, N)
	set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set resultString to ""
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
	set givenTextItems to (get text items of givenText)
	set givenWords to (get words of givenText)
	ignoring punctuation
		repeat with i from 1 to count of givenWords
			set testWord to item i of givenWords
			repeat with oneItem in (get givenTextItems)
				set givenTextItems to rest of givenTextItems
				if (oneItem contains testWord) then
					if i mod N = 0 then
						set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {testWord}
						set temp to text items of oneItem
						set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
						set resultString to resultString & (temp as string)
						set resultString to resultString & oneItem & " "
					end if
					exit repeat
					set resultString to resultString & oneItem
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end ignoring
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
	return text 1 thru -2 of resultString
end RemoveNthWord

Here’s a way to drop marked words:

-- Getting text and nth
set theString to ¬
	"What is @Critical Thinking?  For some, the idea of @Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use @certain cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184)"

set tChar to "@" -- Could be more than 1
set OList to {}
set tStart to 1
set tstring to theString
-- Find Offsets of tChar
repeat -- Don't know how many
	set tstring to text tStart thru -1 of theString
	set OS to offset of tChar in tstring
	if OS ≠ 0 then
		set end of OList to OS + tStart
		set tStart to (item -1 of OList)
		exit repeat -- None left if the offset is 0
	end if
end repeat
-- Make new string
set Leader to (item 1 of OList) - 2
set newString to (text 1 thru Leader of theString)
set tStart to Leader
repeat with Part in (items 2 thru -1 of OList)
	set Piece to text (tStart + 2) thru (Part - 3) in theString
	set O to offset of " " in Piece
	set newString to newString & text (O + 1) thru -1 of Piece & space
	set tStart to Part
end repeat
-- Get the end
set Tail to text tStart thru -1 of theString
set O to offset of space in Tail
set newString to newString & text (O + 1) thru -1 of Tail
--> "What is Thinking?  For some, the idea of Thinking centers on the ability to use cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184)"

Forget Automator and do it with applescript :smiley:

Save this as an application and drop you files to it or just open the application:

on open theObjects
	if (count theObjects) < 2 then
		set theExcludeCharacter to text returned of (display dialog "Please give the user-defined character:" default answer "@")
		set fileToOpen to item 1 of theObjects
		set OA to open for access fileToOpen
		set theData to read OA
		close access OA
		set newString to GetEditedString(theData, theExcludeCharacter)
		display dialog "Please drop only one file" buttons "OK" default button 1
	end if
end open

on run
	set whatToDo to button returned of (display dialog "What do you want to do?" buttons {"Cancel", "Insert Text", "Open File"} cancel button 1 default button 3)
	if whatToDo is "Insert Text" then
		set textToEdit to text returned of (display dialog "Paste or insert the text to edit:" default answer "")
		set theExcludeCharacter to text returned of (display dialog "Please give the user-defined character:" default answer "@")
		set newString to GetEditedString(textToEdit, theExcludeCharacter)
		log newString
	else if whatToDo is "Open File" then
		set fileToOpen to (choose file with prompt "Choose the file to open")
		set OA to open for access fileToOpen
		set theData to read OA
		close access OA
		set theExcludeCharacter to text returned of (display dialog "Please give the user-defined character:" default answer "@")
		set newString to GetEditedString(theData, theExcludeCharacter)
	end if
end run

on GetEditedString(theString, theExcludeCharacter)
		-- loop and make new string
		set newString to {}
		set i to 1
		repeat while (count every character of theString) is greater than or equal to i
			log i
			if character i of theString is not theExcludeCharacter then
				set end of newString to character i of theString
				repeat until character i of theString is " "
					set i to i + 1
				end repeat
			end if
			set i to i + 1
		end repeat
	end try
	set newString to newString as string
	log newString
	return newString
end GetEditedString

on ReturnEditedString(theString)
	log theString
			set theChoice to choose from list {"Save in file", "Display Dialog", "Exit"} with prompt "What do you want to do with the result?"
			set theChoice to theChoice as string
			if theChoice is "Save in file" then
				set theNewFileName to text returned of (display dialog "Give a name for the new file:" default answer "")
				if theNewFileName does not end with ".txt" then set theNewFileName to (theNewFileName & ".txt") as string
				set theNewFileFolder to (choose folder "Where do you want to save the file?") as alias
					tell application "Finder" to make new file at theNewFileFolder with properties {name:theNewFileName}
					tell application "Finder" to set theNewFile to (file theNewFileName of folder theNewFileFolder) as alias
					set OA to open for access theNewFile with write permission
					write theString to OA starting at 0
					close access OA
					display dialog "The data has been writen" buttons "OK" default button 1
				on error theMsg
					display dialog "An error occured, the script will try again." & return & return & theMsg
				end try
			else if theChoice is "Display Dialog" then
				display dialog theString buttons "OK" default button 1
				exit repeat
			end if
		end try
	end repeat
end ReturnEditedString

Hope it works,

DUDE! You’re amazing. This is almost perfect! Is there any way to make this script work with the remove the “nth” word option rather than the remove “@” option? For example:

Instead of “Please give the user-defined character:” default answer “@”)

It returns “Please give the user-defined variable:” default answer “5”)

Then, have the script do everything else you’ve got it doing. If so, it’d be exactly what I’m needing!

Thanks for all your help!


Another quick way to drop words. “Strings of tParts” will ignore the inserted “missing values” items.

set theString to ¬
	"What is Critical Thinking? For some, the idea of Critical Thinking centers on the ability to use certain cognitive means to sort through some sort of information, to evaluate it, and to use the evaluated information to reach a conclusion or make a decision (Lawson 184)"

set n to 4

set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " " -- space
set tParts to text items of theString

repeat with k from 1 to count tParts
	if k mod n = 0 then set item k of tParts to missing value
end repeat

set New to (strings of tParts) as string -- Reassemble around spaces
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid

New --> "What is Critical For some, the of Critical Thinking on the ability use certain cognitive to sort through sort of information, evaluate it, and use the evaluated to reach a or make a (Lawson 184)"


Used handler from mikerickson:

Here is the final script (save as application to work with dropped items)

on open theObjects
	if (count theObjects) < 2 then
		set nth to text returned of (display dialog "Give the nth" default answer "5")
		set fileToOpen to item 1 of theObjects
		set OA to open for access fileToOpen
		set theData to read OA
		close access OA
		set newString to RemoveNthWord(theData, nth)
		display dialog "Please drop only one file" buttons "OK" default button 1
	end if
end open

on run
	set whatToDo to button returned of (display dialog "What do you want to do?" buttons {"Cancel", "Insert Text", "Open File"} cancel button 1 default button 3)
	if whatToDo is "Insert Text" then
		set textToEdit to text returned of (display dialog "Paste or insert the text to edit:" default answer "")
		set nth to text returned of (display dialog "Give the nth" default answer "5")
		set newString to RemoveNthWord(textToEdit, nth)
		log newString
	else if whatToDo is "Open File" then
		set fileToOpen to (choose file with prompt "Choose the file to open")
		set OA to open for access fileToOpen
		set theData to read OA
		close access OA
		set nth to text returned of (display dialog "Give the nth" default answer "5")
		set newString to RemoveNthWord(theData, nth)
	end if
end run

on RemoveNthWord(givenText, N)
	set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set resultString to ""
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {" "}
	set givenTextItems to (get text items of givenText)
	set givenWords to (get words of givenText)
	ignoring punctuation
		repeat with i from 1 to count of givenWords
			set testWord to item i of givenWords
			repeat with oneItem in (get givenTextItems)
				set givenTextItems to rest of givenTextItems
				if (oneItem contains testWord) then
					if i mod N = 0 then
						set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {testWord}
						set temp to text items of oneItem
						set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
						set resultString to resultString & (temp as string)
						set resultString to resultString & oneItem & " "
					end if
					exit repeat
					set resultString to resultString & oneItem
				end if
			end repeat
		end repeat
	end ignoring
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
	return text 1 thru -2 of resultString
end RemoveNthWord

on ReturnEditedString(theString)
	log theString
			set theChoice to choose from list {"Save in file", "Display Dialog", "Exit"} with prompt "What do you want to do with the result?"
			set theChoice to theChoice as string
			if theChoice is "Save in file" then
				set theNewFileName to text returned of (display dialog "Give a name for the new file:" default answer "")
				if theNewFileName does not end with ".txt" then set theNewFileName to (theNewFileName & ".txt") as string
				set theNewFileFolder to (choose folder "Where do you want to save the file?") as alias
					tell application "Finder" to make new file at theNewFileFolder with properties {name:theNewFileName}
					tell application "Finder" to set theNewFile to (file theNewFileName of folder theNewFileFolder) as alias
					set OA to open for access theNewFile with write permission
					write theString to OA starting at 0
					close access OA
					display dialog "The data has been writen" buttons "OK" default button 1
				on error theMsg
					display dialog "An error occured, the script will try again." & return & return & theMsg
				end try
			else if theChoice is "Display Dialog" then
				display dialog theString buttons "OK" default button 1
				exit repeat
			end if
		end try
	end repeat
end ReturnEditedString