designating a specific track in iTunes as selection


This is probably either a very simple question or an improbable one.

Selection is an application’s property according to iTunes’ dictionary and is r/o. Now, this may sound silly but if I want to designate a specific track, let’s say the current track, as a selection through script, without physically clicking the track in iTunes, would this be possible? And would I see that particular track highlighted in the iTunes’ window as if I actually clicked it?

TIA for any tip. I’ve been scratching my head and googled hard for any lead but I did not find any.

archseed :frowning:

Hi archseed,

Although iTunes is very scriptable, I don’t think you can select tracks. You can select playlist though. Using selecting things is usually not a good idea anyway and I just work without it. You can ui script it using the Command + L combo.

tell application “iTunes” to activate
tell application “System Events”
tell process “iTunes”
keystroke “l” with command down
end tell
end tell

There are other ways, but this is easiest.

I almost forgot, but you probably know to chang ‘with command down’ to ‘using command down’ or something like that.


Hi kel,

I was actually thinking of using the UI technique but just had perhaps the crazy thought that from somewhere, somehow one great tip would come out of the blue. Sigh :|.

Thanks for the tip. Keep the timely help coming.

archseed :slight_smile:

hi archseed,

i found a way to do what you need. is it still urgent?