Is there way to find the X/Y placement of a desktop Icon?
And a way to place an icon to the result of above?
(via AS of course)
there is a property desktop position in Finder’s dictionary
tell application "Finder"
get desktop position of item 1 of desktop --> {x, y}
end tell
tell application "Finder"
set desktop position of item 1 of desktop to {100, 100}
end tell
Hope this helps a little. (Borrowed Stefan’s ideas, then came up with this)
tell application "Finder"
set firstIcon to (choose file) --or path if you know it
set p to desktop position of firstIcon
set p1 to item 1 of p
set p2 to item 2 of p
set secondIcon to (choose file) --or path
set desktop position of secondIcon to {p1, p2}
end tell
Greg Ledger
When my computer restarts, all my desktop icons loose their original position. What would the easiest way to get the position of all desktop items and to later restore them to there original place ?
Thanks in advance.
Robert Lespérance
If you save this as a stay open application bundel and add the application to your log-in items, it should do what you’ve asked.
property dekstopIconLocations : missing value -- {icon alias string, x, y}
on run
if desktopIconLocations is not missing value then
repeat with i in desktopIconLocations
tell application "Finder" to if exists (alias (item 1 of i)) then set desktop position of (alias (item 1 of i)) to {(item 2 of i), (item 3 of i)}
end repeat
end if
end run
on quit
set newDesktopIconLocations to {}
tell application "Finder"
set allDesktopIcons to (every item of (path to desktop))
repeat with i in allDesktopIcons
set aliasString to (i as alias) as string
set thePosition to desktop position of i
set end of newDesktopIconLocations to {aliasString, (item 1 of thePosition), (item 2 of thePosition)}
end repeat
end tell
set desktopIconLocations to newDesktopIconLocations
end quit
When you login, the script will restore all desktop item locations according to the desktopIconLocations-variable.
When you shut down your computer (and the application quits), it saves all the desktop item locations to the same variable.
If you want your application to be not shown in the dock you’ll have to right click it, choose show package contents and open the info.plist file in TextEdit and change it contents to:
hope it works,
PS: script is not tested
Hi ief2,
Thanks for your help …
I have a ON IDLE handler running in background on my computer that launches at startup. I would like to insert «the icon positionning» checkup in that handler. I want it to:
¢ take a snapshot of my desktop’s icons position at every loop of the IDLE handler and keep that positionning in memory
¢ in case of a crash or a computer restart all icon be put back to their last snapshot position at startup
How can I do that ?
Robert Lespérance
Not tested and done in a hurry, so there could be a couple of mistakes:
property dekstopIconLocations : missing value -- {icon alias string, x, y}
on run
tell application "Finder" to if (exists (folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home)) then if (count every item of folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home) is not 0 then
set allFiles to every item of folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home
set allDates to {}
repeat with i in allFiles
set myName to name of i
set end of allDates to my extractDate(myName)
end repeat
set oldestDate to getOldest(allDates)
set fileName to (DDMMYYYY("-", oldestDate) & "**" & HHMM(".", oldestDate) & " DIL") as string
tell application "Finder" to set fileToRead to (item fileName of folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home) as alias
set myData to (read fileToRead as list)
end if
end run
on idle
tell application "Finder" to if not (exists (folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home)) then make new folder at home with properties {name:".desktopIconLocations"}
set newFileName to (DDMMYYYY("-", (current date)) & "**" & HHMM(".", (current date)) & " DIL") as string
tell application "Finder" to set dilFolder to (folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home) as alias
tell application "Finder" to if not (exists (item newFileName of dilFolder)) then make new file at dilFolder with properties {name:newFileName}
set newFile to (result as alias)
set myData to getDesktopLocations()
set OA to open for access newFile with write permission
write myData to OA starting at 0
close access OA
on error
close access OA
end try
end try
return 65
end idle
on quit
tell application "Finder" to if not (exists (folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home)) then make new folder at home with properties {name:".desktopIconLocations"}
set newFileName to (DDMMYYYY("-", (current date)) & "**" & HHMM(".", (current date)) & " DIL") as string
tell application "Finder" to set dilFolder to (folder ".desktopIconLocations" of home) as alias
tell application "Finder" to if not (exists (item newFileName of dilFolder)) then make new file at dilFolder with properties {name:newFileName}
set newFile to (result as alias)
set myData to getDesktopLocations()
set OA to open for access newFile with write permission
write myData to OA starting at 0
close access OA
on error
close access OA
end try
end try
end quit
on HHMM(seperator, aDate)
tell (aDate)
set myHours to (hours of it)
set myMins to (minutes of it)
end tell
set myHours to oneToTwoDigits(myHours)
set myMins to oneToTwoDigits(myMins)
return (myHours & seperator & myMins) as string
end HHMM
on DDMMYYYY(seperator)
set myDate to {}
tell (aDate)
set myDays to (day of it)
set myMonth to (month of it) as integer
set myYear to (year of it)
end tell
set myDays to oneToTwoDigits(myDays)
set myMonth to oneToTwoDigits(myMonth)
set myDate to myDays & seperator & myMonth & seperator & myYear
return myDate as string
on oneToTwoDigits(anInt)
set anInt to anInt as string
if (count every character of anInt) is 1 then set anInt to (0 & anInt) as string
return anInt
end oneToTwoDigits
on getDesktopLocations()
set newDesktopIconLocations to {}
tell application "Finder"
set allDesktopIcons to (every item of (path to desktop))
repeat with i in allDesktopIcons
set aliasString to (i as alias) as string
set thePosition to desktop position of i
set end of newDesktopIconLocations to {aliasString, (item 1 of thePosition), (item 2 of thePosition)}
end repeat
end tell
return newDesktopLocations
end getDesktopLocations
on loadDesktopLocations(desktopIconLocations)
repeat with i in desktopIconLocations
tell application "Finder" to if exists (alias (item 1 of i)) then set desktop position of (alias (item 1 of i)) to {(item 2 of i), (item 3 of i)}
end repeat
end loadDesktopLocations
on extractDate(aString)
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "**"
set dateString to text item 1 of aString
set timeString to text item 2 of aString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " DIL"
set timeString to text item 1 of timeString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
set myDate to date (dateString & " " & timeString)
end extractDate
on getOldest(aList)
if aList is {} then missing value
if (count aList) is 1 then return item 1 of aList
set myDate to item 1 of aList
repeat with i from 2 to (count aList)
if item i of aList > myDate then set myDate to (item i of aList) as date
end repeat
return myDate
end getOldest
hope it works,
Can someone help me… I searched it on google with “desktop position” and nothing helped. Here is my problem, I want to check if a space on the desktop is avialible. Look at this, it takes the location of the item and then checks it but it says that it’s empty. Look:
tell application "Finder" to set this_ to desktop position of (choose file default location (path to desktop as alias))
on checkspace(var)
set yes_ to missing value
set no_ to missing value
tell application "Finder" to set thelist to desktop position of every item of desktop
repeat with i in thelist
if i is var then
set yes_ to true
end if
end repeat
if yes_ is true then
return true
return false
end if
end checkspace
a common mistake, you compare the variable var with a reference to a list item, not with the value.
To dereference the list, add contents of
if contents of i is var then
The whole script can be simplified
tell application "Finder" to set this_ to desktop position of (choose file default location path to desktop)
on checkspace(var)
tell application "Finder" to set thelist to desktop position of every item of desktop
return {var} is in thelist
end checkspace
note: the result of path to is always an alias
Thanks. That’s something I could study to make an app!
I got this:
tell application "Finder" to set this to desktop position of (choose file default location path to desktop)
tell application "Finder"
set _b to bounds of window of desktop
set dimensions1 to item 3 of _b
set dimensions2 to item 4 of _b
end tell
if this is not missing value then
set this_ to {((item 1 of this) + 150), (item 2 of this)}
set option to checkspace(this_)
if not option then
set thefile to (choose file default location path to desktop)
if not dimensions1 < (item 1 of this_) then
if not dimensions2 < (item 2 of this_) then
tell application "Finder" to set desktop position of thefile to this_
end if
end if
set thefile to (choose file default location path to desktop)
set this_ to {(item 1 of this), ((item 2 of this) + 175)}
set option to checkspace(this_)
if not option then
set this_ to {((item 1 of this) - 150), (item 2 of this)}
end if
if not dimensions1 < (item 1 of this_) then
if not dimensions2 < (item 2 of this_) then
tell application "Finder" to set desktop position of thefile to this_
end if
end if
end if
end if
on checkspace(var)
tell application "Finder" to set thelist to desktop position of every item of desktop
return {var} is in thelist
end checkspace
Hi ief2,
I thank you for all the time you spent on this script … but it does not work. It looks very complicated to do a so simple task. I didn’t see any other way to do that in MacScripter, but there should be.
Thanks for your help.